How Do I Send an Automatic Email From Squarespace?

You can set up automatic emails in Squarespace using Squarespace Email Campaigns. Here's a breakdown of how it works and the different types of automated emails you can send:

How to Send Automated Emails with Squarespace Email Campaigns

  1. Upgrade if Needed:

    • Automatic emails are a feature of Squarespace Email Campaigns, which requires a separate subscription in addition to your website plan.

  2. Create an Automation:

    • Go to Marketing > Email Campaigns

    • Click Create New > Automation

    • Choose the type of automation you want (see below).

Types of Automated Emails

  • Welcome New Subscribers: Send a welcome message to people when they sign up for your email list.

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Remind customers about items they left in their cart (ideal for e-commerce sites).

  • Date-Based: Trigger emails based on specific dates, such as birthdays, subscription anniversaries, or event reminders.

  • Activity-Based: Send emails based on customer actions like purchases, form submissions, etc.

Setting Up Your Automated Email

  1. Choose Your Trigger and Timing: Select the automation type, and configure the conditions (when the email should be sent).

  2. Design Your Email: Create your email content with Squarespace's drag-and-drop editor. Include personalization elements (like the recipient's name) for better engagement.

  3. Activate: Thoroughly test your automation and then turn it on.

Additional Tips

  • Subject Lines Matter: Craft compelling subject lines to improve open rates.

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different email versions to see what performs best.

  • Analytics: Monitor your email campaign performance and adjust as needed.

  • Avoid Being Spammy: Ensure your automated emails provide value to subscribers and don't send them too frequently.

Important Notes

  • Cost: Squarespace Email Campaigns has additional costs based on your subscriber count and sending volume.

  • Integration: You can connect Email Campaigns to Squarespace forms, commerce store, and other parts of your Squarespace site for more automation possibilities.


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