How Do I Embed Spotify in Squarespace?

Embedding a Spotify playlist, album, or track into your Squarespace website can enhance the experience for your visitors by providing them with interactive and engaging audio content. The following steps will guide you through the process of embedding Spotify content into your Squarespace site:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open Spotify and Copy Embed Code:
  2. Log in to your Spotify Account: Ensure you are logged in to your Spotify account, either via the web player or desktop app.
  3. Find the Content: Locate the Spotify playlist, album, or track you wish to embed.
  4. Get the Embed Code:

    • Right-click on the playlist, album, or track.
    • Select "Share."
    • Choose "Copy Embed Code." This copies the necessary HTML code to your clipboard.
  5. Log in to Squarespace:

  6. Access your Squarespace website by logging in at

  7. Navigate to the Page Editor:

  8. Select the page or post where you want to embed the Spotify content.
  9. Click on "Edit" to enter the page editor.

  10. Add a Code Block:

  11. In the page editor, click on the “+” button (or the "Add Block" button) to add a new block.
  12. From the list of available block types, choose "Code."

    • This allows you to insert custom HTML or scripts.
  13. Insert the Embed Code:

  14. In the Code Block, paste the copied Spotify embed code.
  15. Ensure that the code is correctly pasted and appears as expected.

    • You should see a <iframe> tag that references Spotify content.
  16. Adjust Code Block Settings (Optional):

  17. Squarespace allows you to adjust the settings of the code block.
  18. You can choose whether to display the code itself or just the content it embeds. Typically, you will want to show only the content.

  19. Save and Preview:

  20. Save your changes and preview your page to ensure the Spotify player appears and functions as expected.
  21. You should see the Spotify player embedded within your page, allowing visitors to play the embedded playlist, album, or track directly.

  22. Publish Your Changes:

  23. Once satisfied with the integration, publish your changes to make the embedded Spotify content live on your website.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Responsiveness and Mobile Viewing: Ensure you test the embedded Spotify player on various devices to confirm it displays correctly on both desktop and mobile screens.
  • Design Consistency: Make sure that the Spotify embed complements your site's design and does not disrupt the user experience.
  • Squarespace Plan: Embedding code blocks is supported on Business and Commerce plans, but if you are on a Personal plan, you might need to upgrade to embed custom HTML or scripts.
  • Spotify Account Requirements: Ensure the playlist, album, or track you’re embedding is public and accessible to your website visitors.


  • Code Not Displaying: If the Spotify widget does not display, double-check that the embed code was correctly copied from Spotify and pasted into the Code Block without any alterations.
  • Audio Playback Issues: Confirm that the selected content adheres to Spotify’s sharing policies and that it is not set to private.
  • Compatibility Issues: Regularly update both Spotify and Squarespace to minimize compatibility issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to effortlessly embed Spotify content into your Squarespace website, enhancing the multimedia experience for your site visitors.


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