How Do I Embed a Google Drive Video Into Squarespace?

Embedding a Google Drive video into a Squarespace site is a straightforward process, but it does require a few steps to ensure that the video is accessible and displays properly. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Upload Your Video to Google Drive:

  • Upload the Video:
    1. Go to your Google Drive (
    2. Click on the "New" button in the top-left corner.
    3. Select "File upload".
    4. Find and select the video file you want to upload from your computer, and wait for it to upload to Google Drive.

2. Adjust Sharing Settings:

  • Make the Video Public:
    1. Once the video is uploaded, locate it in your Google Drive.
    2. Right-click on the video file and select "Get link".
    3. Under "Get Link", make sure to change the restriction settings to "Anyone with the link". This means anyone with the link can view the video.
    4. Click on "Copy link" to copy the shareable link.

3. Generate Embed Code:

  • Create the Embed Code:
    1. Open a new browser tab and go to the following URL:
    2. Paste the link you copied from Google Drive into the URL field in the iframe generator tool.
    3. Adjust the iframe settings as needed, such as width and height. A common size is 560x315, but you can customize this to fit your website layout.
    4. Click the "Generate" button to create the iframe embed code.
    5. Copy the generated iframe code.

4. Embed the Video in Squarespace:

  • Add the Embed Code to Your Site:
    1. Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the page where you want to embed the video.
    2. Click on the "Edit" button to enable editing mode for the page.
    3. Choose the area on your page where you want to place the video and click the "+" button to add a new content block.
    4. In the content block menu, select "Code" (the symbol).
    5. Paste the iframe code you generated earlier into the code block.
    6. Click "Apply" to add the video to your page.

5. Publish Your Changes:

  • Save and Publish:
    1. Once you’ve added the code block, make sure to save your changes.
    2. Preview the page to ensure the video displays correctly.
    3. If everything looks good, publish the changes to make the video live on your Squarespace site.

Considerations and Limitations:

  1. Playback Restrictions:
  2. Ensuring that your video is available to “Anyone with the link” is crucial; otherwise, visitors may not be able to view your video without requesting access.

  3. File Size and Format:

  4. Google Drive supports various video formats, but large video files can lead to slow load times. Optimize your video size for better performance.

  5. Video Quality:

  6. The quality of the video might depend on the internet connection of the viewer. Google Drive adjusts quality based on bandwidth, so ensure your original upload is of high quality.

  7. Embedding Customizations:

  8. While the iframe method is straightforward, it has limitations in terms of direct customization options. You may need to manually edit the iframe code for further adjustments.

  9. Privacy and Security:

  10. Making your video accessible to "Anyone with the link" might not be ideal for private content. For more secure sharing, consider other video hosting solutions that offer password protection.


Embedding a Google Drive video into Squarespace involves several steps, including uploading the video to Google Drive, adjusting the sharing settings, generating an iframe embed code, and then adding it to your Squarespace site. By following this guide, you can seamlessly integrate video content into your website. Make sure to consider the limitations and ensure the video settings are adjusted to match your privacy and accessibility needs.


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