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How Do I Edit Mobile Only on Squarespace?

Editing your Squarespace site to have mobile-only sections can be a great way to tailor the user experience according to the device they're using. While Squarespace templates are designed to be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes automatically, there can be cases where you want to show or hide specific content solely for mobile users. Below are detailed steps to effectively achieve mobile-only edits in Squarespace:

1. Using Custom CSS:

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Accessing Custom CSS:
  2. Log in to your Squarespace account.
  3. Navigate to the website you want to edit.
  4. Go to Design > Custom CSS.

  5. Creating Mobile-Only Sections:

  6. Identify the section you want to show only on mobile. Each section or block within Squarespace can have an identifier (e.g., a unique block ID).
  7. Use the developer tools in your browser (usually accessible by right-clicking on the page and selecting "Inspect") to find the block ID.

  8. Writing the CSS Code:

  9. To hide a specific section on desktop but show on mobile, you would use CSS media queries.
  10. Below is an example of how you can do this: ```css / Mobile Styles / @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { / Replace #block-id with your actual block ID / #block-id { display: block; } }

    / Desktop Styles / @media screen and (min-width: 641px) { / Replace #block-id with your actual block ID / #block-id { display: none; } } ```

  11. Apply and Save:

  12. Paste your CSS code into the Custom CSS section.
  13. Click Save.

2. Using Built-In Squarespace Features:

Squarespace's editor also allows some level of control through its built-in features:

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Duplicating the Section:
  2. Duplicate the section or block you want to show exclusively on mobile.
  3. Adjust the content if necessary to better fit a mobile layout.

  4. Hiding Sections through Visibility Settings (Squarespace 7.1):

  5. Once you have duplicated the content, select the mobile-only section.
  6. Click the Settings icon (represented by a gear symbol).
  7. In the Visibility settings, there should be options to control the visibility of the section on different device types.
  8. Choose to hide the section on Desktop and Tablet, leaving it visible only on Mobile.

  9. Visibility Settings for Blocks in Squarespace 7.0:

  10. For Squarespace 7.0 users, you might need to use a combination of layout adjustments and possibly some light custom CSS.

Practical Considerations:

  • Responsiveness: Always test your website on various devices to ensure that the content displays correctly. An overly hidden or visible element in an unintended manner can degrade the user experience.
  • Performance: Minimize the use of heavy scripts and unnecessary elements. Ensure the website remains fast and responsive.
  • SEO Impact: Ensure that hidden content does not impact your SEO negatively. Hidden content for users could potentially be flagged by search engines depending on relevancy.


  • Complexity: For those unfamiliar with CSS, writing media queries can be challenging. However, Squarespace’s support and extensive online documentation can provide guidance.
  • Template Restrictions: Each Squarespace template may handle CSS and block IDs differently. It’s crucial to verify your specific template’s behavior.

By following these steps and considerations, you can successfully create and manage mobile-only sections or blocks on your Squarespace site, ensuring an optimized and customized user experience.