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How Do I Edit a Form Block in Squarespace?

Editing a Form Block in Squarespace is a straightforward process, but it’s important to understand the steps and the available options to make the most out of the features provided. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

Accessing the Form Block:

  1. Log in to Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Visit the Squarespace website and log in to your account with your credentials.

  3. Navigate to Your Website Editor:

  4. Once logged in, select the website you want to edit from the dashboard.

  5. Enter the Page Editor:

  6. Go to the specific page that contains the Form Block you want to edit. You can do this by selecting ‘Pages’ from the left-hand sidebar and then choosing the page where your form is located.

Editing the Form Block:

  1. Locate the Form Block:
  2. In the page editor, scroll to find the Form Block. Hover over the block until the editing options are visible.

  3. Open the Form Block Settings:

  4. Click the pencil icon or double-tap the Form Block to open its settings.

  5. Edit Form Fields:

  6. In the settings menu, navigate to the ‘Form Fields’ tab. Here you can:

    • Add New Fields: Click ‘+’ or ‘Add Field’ to include a new form element such as text fields, email fields, dropdowns, radio buttons, etc.
    • Edit Existing Fields: Click on any existing field to change its label, placeholder text, and other parameters.
    • Arrange Fields:
    • Drag and drop fields to reorder them according to your preferences.
  7. Form Storage Settings:

  8. Navigate to the ‘Storage’ tab to set up where the form submissions are sent. Options typically include:

    • Email: Add an email address where form submissions will be directed.
    • Google Drive: Connect a Google account to store submissions in a Google Sheet.
    • Mailchimp: Integrate with Mailchimp to add form respondents to your mailing list.
    • Zapier: Configure Zapier to connect with other apps for more complex automation.
  9. Form Options:

  10. Under the ‘Advanced’ tab, you can set:
    • Post-Submit Message: Craft a message that users will see after they submit the form.
    • Redirect URL: Set a URL where users will be redirected after submitting the form.
    • Button Text: Customize the text that appears on the submit button.

Design and Styling:

  1. Customizing Appearance:
  2. While in the Form Block settings, you can typically modify the appearance to match your website’s aesthetic. This might include adjusting fonts, colors, padding, and margins.
  3. For advanced customization, you may need to use Custom CSS, which can be added in the ‘Design’ section of your site’s styles or through the Code Injection option found in ‘Settings’.

Testing and Publishing:

  1. Test Your Form:
  2. Before publishing, always test your form thoroughly. Submit several test entries to ensure that all form fields are working correctly and submissions are being directed to the correct location (e.g., email or Google Sheet).

  3. Save and Publish:

  4. Once satisfied with the changes, save your edits and publish your page to go live with the updated form.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Field Limitations: Squarespace provides a set of predefined field types. If you need a custom form field type, you might have to use third-party forms that can be embedded via code.
  • Spam Protection: Ensure you enable reCAPTCHA or another form of spam protection to prevent bot submissions.
  • Form Width and Layout: Using a container block or spacer can help align your form correctly within the page layout.

By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to effectively edit and customize your Form Block in Squarespace, creating a user-friendly form that meets your needs.