How Do I Edit a Gallery Caption in Squarespace?

Editing a gallery caption in Squarespace is a straightforward process, but it varies slightly depending on which version of Squarespace you are using. Below, I'll provide detailed instructions for both Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1, the two main versions currently in use.

For Squarespace 7.0

  1. Log In:
  2. Go to your Squarespace account and log in with your credentials.

  3. Access the Gallery Page:

  4. In the navigation panel on the left-hand side, click on "Pages."
  5. Find and select the page that contains your gallery.

  6. Edit the Gallery Block:

  7. If your gallery is within a Gallery Page, simply click on the page. If it's in a Gallery Block within another page, click on the relevant page, then find the specific gallery block you'd like to edit.
  8. Once inside the correct page, hover over the gallery block you wish to edit. You should see an “Edit” option appear. Click on it.

  9. Edit Captions:

  10. Within the gallery editor, click on the image whose caption you wish to edit.
  11. A new window will pop up showing the image details. You'll see a field labeled "Caption." Click inside this field, and you'll be able to add or modify the caption text.
  12. After editing the caption, click “Apply” or “Save,” depending on which button appears.

  13. Save Your Changes:

  14. After making all desired changes, remember to save your work. Click “Save” or “Done” in the top-left corner to return to the main editor.

For Squarespace 7.1

  1. Log In:
  2. Log in to your Squarespace account.

  3. Navigate to the Gallery Section:

  4. Select “Pages” from the sidebar.
  5. Choose the specific page that contains your gallery.

  6. Edit Gallery Section:

  7. Hover over the gallery section you want to edit. Click the pencil icon or the section area directly to open the section editor.

  8. Modify Image Captions:

  9. Once in the section editor, click on the individual image you want to edit. This will open the image editor.
  10. Look for the field labeled "Caption" or "Enter Caption." Click inside this field to enter your new caption text or edit the existing one.
  11. When you're done, press “Save” or "Apply" to return to the gallery overview.

  12. Finalize Your Edits:

  13. To save all changes, click “Save” or “Done” at the top-left corner of the editor window or page.

Additional Considerations

  • Permission Levels: Ensure you have the appropriate permission level to edit the gallery if you are not the site owner or admin.
  • Image Details: While editing captions, you can also update other details like the title, description, and image attributes to enhance SEO.
  • Consistency: Ensure that your captions are consistent across the gallery, using a similar tone and style for a professional appearance.
  • Preview: Always preview your page to see how the updated captions look before publishing the changes live.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Double-check that the captions display correctly on both desktop and mobile versions of your site.


  • Design Restrictions: Some templates or custom designs may have limitations on how and where captions can be displayed. If you encounter such issues, you may need to adjust your template settings or consult with a developer for custom solutions.
  • Image Quality: Ensure your images are high-quality, as captions alone won't compensate for poor image presentation.

By following these steps, you can effectively edit gallery captions in Squarespace, enhancing both the visual appeal and informational value of your online gallery.


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