How Do I Delete a Homepage on Squarespace?

Deleting a homepage on Squarespace involves reassigning an existing page to be the new homepage and then removing the old one. Here are the comprehensive steps to achieve this:

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Log in to Your Squarespace Account:

2. Access Your Website:

  • After logging in, select the website you want to edit from your dashboard.

3. Open the Pages Menu:

  • On the left-hand sidebar, click on “Pages” to access the list of all pages on your website.

4. Select a New Homepage:

  • Before you can delete the current homepage, you need to set a new one. Hover over the page you want to set as your new homepage.
  • Click on the gear icon (⚙) that appears next to the page title.
  • In the page settings menu, scroll down and click on “Set as Homepage.”

5. Confirm Changes:

  • A confirmation dialog will appear. Confirm that you want to set this page as the homepage by clicking "Yes."

6. Delete the Old Homepage:

  • Now that a new homepage has been set, you can delete the old one. Go back to the main Pages menu.
  • Hover over the old homepage that you wish to delete.
  • Click on the trash icon that appears next to the page title.

7. Confirm Deletion:

  • A confirmation dialog will appear to ensure you want to delete the page. Confirm by clicking "Delete."


  • Backup Content: Before deleting any page, it’s advisable to back up any important content you might need later. You can copy and paste the content into a document or another page.
  • Navigation Links: Ensure that any links in your site’s navigation menu are updated to reflect the new homepage. Squarespace should handle this automatically, but it’s always good to double-check.
  • SEO and Redirects: If your old homepage has been indexed by search engines, consider setting up a 301 redirect to the new homepage to preserve SEO value. You can set up redirects in the “Settings” -> “Advanced” -> “URL Mappings.”


  • Template-Specific Constraints: Depending on your Squarespace template, certain design elements might be specifically tailored for the homepage. Verify that your new homepage fits well with the overall design and functionality.
  • Custom Code: If you have custom HTML, JavaScript, or CSS applied to the old homepage, make sure to transfer or adapt them to the new homepage.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly delete an old homepage while ensuring that your website remains functional and user-friendly.


How Do I Delete a Domain on Squarespace?


How Do I Delete a Page in Squarespace?