How Do I Delete a Domain on Squarespace?

Deleting a domain on Squarespace is a practical task if you no longer need the domain or if you want to transfer it to another hosting service. This process will differ slightly depending on whether the domain is hosted on Squarespace or another registrar. Below are detailed steps to guide you through the process, including necessary considerations and limitations.

Deleting a Squarespace-Registered Domain

1. Log into Your Squarespace Account

  • Access your Squarespace account by visiting and logging in with your credentials.

2. Navigate to Domains

  • Once logged in, go to the Home Menu.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Under Settings, find and click on Domains.

3. Identify the Domain to Delete

  • You will see a list of domains associated with your Squarespace account.
  • Click on the domain you wish to delete.

4. Retrieve Important Information

  • Before proceeding, make sure to copy any important data or take note of any DNS settings that you might need later.

5. Unlink the Domain from the Website

  • If the domain is connected to a site, you might need to unlink it first. Click on the domain, then click on Website and select Disconnect.

6. Cancel the Subscription

  • Next, you need to cancel the domain subscription.
  • Go to Billing & Account under the domain settings.
  • Under the subscription settings, select Cancel Domain.

7. Confirm Deletion

  • Follow the confirmation prompts carefully, which will usually include a final verification step to ensure you want to proceed.

8. Wait for Confirmation

  • After completing these steps, Squarespace will process your request, which may take some time. You should receive an email confirmation once the domain is successfully deleted.

Deleting a Domain from Another Registrar (Hosted Elsewhere)

If your domain is hosted by another registrar but linked to your Squarespace site, you'll need to remove it from your Squarespace settings.

1. Log into Your Squarespace Account

2. Navigate to Domains

  • From the Home Menu, go to Settings.
  • Click on Domains.

3. Identify the External Domain

  • Find the domain in question from the list of registered and linked domains.

4. Unlink the Domain

  • Select the domain, then click on Website.
  • Choose Disconnect or Unlink to remove it from your Squarespace account.

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Irreversibility:
  2. Deleting a domain is often irreversible. Ensure you have backed up all essential data and acquired any necessary information before proceeding.

  3. Cancellation Fees:

  4. If your domain’s renewal date is approaching, cancelling might incur some fees depending on your billing cycle and contract terms.

  5. Propagation Delay:

  6. After deletion, DNS propagation may take some time, which means that services associated with that domain may not immediately reflect the changes.

  7. Email Services:

  8. If you've set up email services (e.g., Google Workspace) linked to the domain, they could be disrupted or permanently lost after deletion. Make relevant arrangements before deletion.

  9. Refund Policy:

  10. Be aware of Squarespace's refund policy related to domain cancellations. Typically, there are no refunds for domain registrations unless specified.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth process when deleting a domain on Squarespace, whether registered directly or through another provider. Make sure to take necessary precautions and understand the implications of deleting a domain.


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