"feels like a meditation"

If you've been on the fence about getting on a call with me, here's what you can expect:

  1. We'll dive deep into your pressing marketing challenges
  2. We'll uncover how to align your marketing with your authentic self, so you can feel truly inspired by your work. You might just shed a tear, or have a brief moment of transcendence. :)
  3. You'll have the opportunity to pick my brain about anything. No question is too big or too small!
  4. If an ongoing mentorship experience feels right, I'll extend an invitation to join.
  5. At the very least, you'll come away feeling energized, empowered, and excited about your marketing direction.

The only thing I've left out is the pricing. By the time the price is public, it'll be in the $4500-$6000 range. But right now, I'm still offering a select few the opportunity to work with me at a fraction of that investment.

So if you're feeling the call to level up your marketing and tap into your true potential, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this offer.

If it feels aligned, let's hop on a call and explore how I can support your growth journey.





wait, that's Squarespace?


the lock and key