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What Size Does My Logo Need to Be for Squarespace?

When designing and uploading a logo for your Squarespace website, it's important to ensure the image is optimized for both quality and performance. Here's a detailed guide to help you determine the appropriate size and format for your logo on Squarespace:

Recommended Logo Size

  1. General Recommendations:
  2. Header Logo: Ideally, the logo should be between 100 and 300 pixels in height. The width can vary but should be proportionate to the height to maintain quality and visual appeal.
  3. Mobile Devices: For better performance on mobile devices, aim for a logo that is maximum 600 pixels in width and 300 pixels in height.

  4. File Size:

  5. Keep the file size under 500 KB to ensure the website loads quickly. Larger files can slow down page load times, impacting user experience and SEO.

  6. File Formats:

  7. PNG: Preferred due to its high quality and ability to support transparent backgrounds.
  8. SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics format is ideal for logos because it scales without losing quality. However, note that SVGs might not be supported if they contain embedded images or certain advanced features.

Steps to Upload and Optimize Your Logo

  1. Design Preparations:
  2. Use a design tool like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or online tools like Canva to create and resize your logo.
  3. Ensure the logo maintains high quality when resized to smaller dimensions.

  4. Optimizing Image Quality:

  5. Compress the image using tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce its file size without significant quality loss.
  6. If using an SVG file, clean it up using tools like SVGOMG to optimize and remove unnecessary data.

  7. Uploading to Squarespace:

  8. Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the website editor.
  9. Go to Design > Logo & Title.
  10. Click on Logo to upload your image file.
  11. Adjust the Logo width slider to fit your design preferences and ensure it looks good on both desktop and mobile versions of your site.

  12. Testing:

  13. Preview the website on different devices to ensure the logo displays correctly and is consistently visible across various screen sizes.
  14. Make any necessary adjustments to the dimensions in your design tool and re-upload if needed.

Additional Considerations

  • Contrast and Readability: Ensure your logo contrasts well with your website’s background color and maintains readability.
  • Retina Displays: For high-resolution screens like Retina displays, consider uploading a logo at twice the displayed dimensions. Squarespace will scale it down, ensuring it looks sharp on high-resolution screens.
  • Brand Consistency: Maintain consistency in logo appearance across all platforms and marketing materials to strengthen brand identity.


Ensuring your logo is the right size and format on Squarespace is crucial for a professional and visually appealing website. Following these guidelines will help you maintain high quality while enhancing site performance and user experience. If you have specific design requirements or face technical challenges, consulting with a web designer or a Squarespace expert can provide more personalized assistance.