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How Do I Import My Squarespace Site to WordPress?

Importing your Squarespace site to WordPress is a multi-step process that involves preparation, exporting content from Squarespace, importing it into WordPress, and then fine-tuning the new site to match your requirements. Below are the detailed steps to achieve this transition:

1. Preparation

Before starting the migration, consider the following preparations: - Backup Your Squarespace Site: Although Squarespace does not offer a built-in backup feature, you should copy important text, take screenshots of your design, and save any custom code or CSS. - Choose a Hosting Provider: WordPress.org requires self-hosting, so you'll need a domain name and a hosting plan. Popular providers include Bluehost, SiteGround, and WP Engine. - Install WordPress: Once you have your hosting service, install WordPress. Most hosting providers offer a one-click installation procedure.

2. Export Content from Squarespace

Squarespace offers a basic export option, but certain content like products, videos, and custom CSS won’t be exported.

Step-by-Step Export:

  1. Log into Squarespace: Go to your Squarespace admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Settings: From the Home Menu, click on Settings -> Advanced -> Import / Export.
  3. Export to WordPress: Click on the Export button, then choose ‘WordPress’ from the options.
  4. Download the Export File: Once the download is ready, click to download the XML file that contains your content.

3. Import Content into WordPress

Now that you have the XML file, you can import this into your new WordPress site.

Step-by-Step Import:

  1. Log into WordPress: Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Install WordPress Importer: Navigate to Tools -> Import. If prompted, install the WordPress Importer plugin.
  3. Run Importer: Once the plugin is installed, click Run Importer.
  4. Upload XML File: Upload the XML file you previously downloaded and click Upload file and import.
  5. Assign Authors: During the import process, you can assign posts to existing users or create new ones.
  6. Start Import: Confirm and start the process. This could take a while depending on the file size and your host performance.

4. Post-Import Steps and Site Setup

After importing your content, some fine-tuning will be necessary to ensure your site works and looks as intended.


  • Permalink Settings: Go to Settings -> Permalinks and choose a structure that closely matches your old site’s URL structure for SEO purposes.


  • Choose and Install a Theme: Navigate to Appearance -> Themes. You can choose a free theme from the repository or upload a premium theme.
  • Customize Your Theme: Use the Customize option to adjust your site's appearance.


  • Install Necessary Plugins: You may need plugins for features such as SEO (Yoast SEO), contact forms (Contact Form 7), or e-commerce (WooCommerce).

5. Manual Adjustments

Some content and settings will need manual adjustments: - Images: Squarespace images might not export properly. You may need to re-upload images manually. - CSS and Custom Code: Re-apply any custom CSS or JavaScript you had on your Squarespace site. - Menus and Widgets: Recreate any menu items and widgets as they are not typically included in the export file.

6. Test and Optimize

Before going live, thoroughly test your new site: - Broken Links: Use a broken link checker plugin to find and fix any broken links. - Responsive Design: Ensure your site looks good on mobile devices. - Speed Optimization: Use caching plugins and image optimization tools to ensure your site loads quickly.

7. Redirects and SEO

Maintaining SEO is crucial during migration: - 301 Redirects: Use a plugin like Redirection to set up 301 redirects from your old Squarespace URLs to your new WordPress URLs. - Check Analytics and SEO: Reconnect Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and ensure your SEO settings are properly configured.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Loss of Some Content: Be prepared that some elements like styles, embedded videos, and some media might not transfer perfectly.
  • Learning Curve: WordPress has a steeper learning curve compared to Squarespace, so be prepared for a transition period.

By following these steps and taking the time for careful adjustments, you can successfully migrate your site from Squarespace to WordPress, thereby leveraging the unique strengths of the WordPress platform.