How Do I Find the Image Library in Squarespace?

Finding and utilizing the image library in Squarespace is a straightforward process. Squarespace provides a comprehensive library to help manage and organize the images you upload to your website. Here's a detailed guide to accessing and using the image library:

Accessing the Image Library

  1. Log Into Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Open your web browser and go to Squarespace.
  3. Enter your login credentials (email and password) to access your Squarespace dashboard.

  4. Navigate to Your Website:

  5. If you own multiple websites on Squarespace, choose the one you want to work on.

  6. Enter the Site Editor:

  7. From your site’s dashboard, click on the “Pages” or “Design” tab, which will take you to the site editor.

  8. Open the Image Library:

  9. To access the image library, you can either add an image block or edit an existing one:

    • Add a New Image Block: In the site editor, hover over an area where you want to add an image, click on the “+” (plus icon) to add a block, and select “Image” from the block options.
    • Edit an Existing Image Block: Hover over an existing image on your site and click on the “Edit” button (pencil icon).
  10. Image Block Menu:

  11. Once you’ve added a new image block or edited an existing one, you will see the image block menu. This menu includes options to “Add Image” or “Replace Image.”

  12. Accessing the Library:

  13. Click on the “Add Image” or “Replace Image” button.
  14. This will open the Content Manager, which includes the image library.

Using the Image Library

  1. Upload Images:
  2. To upload images, click the “Upload File” button. You can either drag and drop images from your computer or select them via the file browser.

  3. View and Manage Images:

  4. Previously uploaded images will be displayed in the Content Manager. You can scroll through these images to find and select the one you need.

  5. Organize Images:

  6. Squarespace does not offer folders for organizing images directly within the library; however, you can use file naming conventions to keep your images organized.
  7. For example, you can name your files with categories like “product1_front.jpg” or “event_2023_banner.jpg” to make them easier to find.

  8. Using Stock Images:

  9. Squarespace also integrates with Unsplash, a provider of free stock photos. To use Unsplash images:
    • Click on the “Search Images” tab in the image library.
    • Enter a keyword in the search bar to find relevant stock images.
    • Select and add the image you want to use.

Practical Considerations

  • Image Quality: Ensure the images you upload are high-quality and correctly sized to maintain the visual appeal of your site.
  • SEO: Add descriptive file names and use the “Alt Text” field to improve your site’s SEO and accessibility.
  • File Size: Keep an eye on file sizes to optimize website load times. Squarespace automatically compresses images, but starting with a manageable file size can improve performance.


  • Storage Limits: Be aware of your Squarespace storage limits based on your subscription plan. Monitor your usage to avoid potential issues.
  • No Folder System: The lack of a folder-based organization within the image library can be a limitation for sites with extensive image needs.

By following these steps, you should be able to effectively find, manage, and utilize images within Squarespace’s image library to enhance your website’s visual content.


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