How Do I Find My Website URL on Squarespace?

Certainly! Finding your website URL on Squarespace is a straightforward process. Below are the steps to guide you, along with considerations for both unpublished and published sites.

Steps to Find Your Website URL on Squarespace

  1. Log in to Squarespace:
  2. Navigate to the Squarespace website and log in using your credentials.

  3. Select Your Website:

  4. Once logged in, you’ll see a list of your websites if you have multiple. Click on the one you want to find the URL for.

  5. Access the Settings Panel:

  6. On the left-hand side of your screen, you will see a menu. Look for the option named "Settings" and click on it.

  7. Domain Section:

  8. Within the Settings panel, scroll down or search for "Domains" and click on it. Here you'll see the details related to your domain name.

  9. Check the Primary Domain:

  10. In the Domains section, the "Primary Domain" is the URL visitors will use to access your website. This is generally your actual web address.

For Unpublished Sites

If your site is not yet published:

  1. Unpublished Site URL:
  2. Even when your site is not published, Squarespace provides a default URL. This will typically be in the format of You can see this in the Domains section within the Settings panel.

For Published Sites

If your site is published:

  1. Custom Domain:
  2. If you’ve linked a custom domain (e.g.,, this will appear as the "Primary Domain" in the Domains section. This indicates that your site is live and accessible via this URL.

Practical Considerations

  • Custom Domain Purchase:
  • Ensure that you have properly configured your custom domain settings if you have purchased a domain separately or within Squarespace. Misconfigurations can lead to connectivity issues.

  • SSL Certificates:

  • Make sure your SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is active to secure your website and display it as https:// instead of http://. This boosts security and is a ranking factor in search engine optimization.

  • Publishing Settings:

  • Double-check that your site is published. You can do this by going to the "Settings" panel and looking for the "Site Availability" option. If it’s set to private, switch it to "Public."


  • Domain Propagation:
  • If you’ve recently added a custom domain, it might take up to 48 hours for the URL to propagate fully and be accessible globally.

  • Verification:

  • Use tools like to check DNS propagation for your custom domain.

  • Support:

  • If you run into issues, contact Squarespace support for assistance. They can help troubleshoot domain-related issues effectively.

By following these steps and considering the practical tips provided, you should be able to easily find and confirm your website URL on Squarespace.


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