How Do I Enable JavaScript on Squarespace?

Enabling JavaScript on Squarespace involves adding custom code or scripts to your Squarespace website. JavaScript can help enhance the functionality and interactivity of your site. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to enable and add JavaScript to a Squarespace site:

1. Adding JavaScript to a Specific Page

Step 1: Accessing the Page Settings

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account.
  2. Navigate to the Website Editor.
  3. Click on the Pages tab in the left sidebar.
  4. Locate the specific page where you want to add JavaScript.

Step 2: Adding the Script

  1. Click on the page to open its settings.
  2. Click on the Edit button to enter the content editing mode.
  3. In the page editor, click on an insert point (a "+" symbol) where you want to add the script.
  4. Select Code from the menu that appears.
  5. In the Code Block, select JavaScript as the code type in the Language drop-down menu.
  6. Input or paste your JavaScript code directly into the block.

Step 3: Saving Your Changes

  1. Once you've added your JavaScript, click Apply.
  2. Click Save or Done at the top-left corner to save changes to the page.

2. Adding JavaScript to All Pages (Site-Wide)

Step 1: Accessing Advanced Settings

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on Advanced in the settings menu.
  4. Select Code Injection.

Step 2: Adding Your Script Globally

  1. In the Header or Footer box, you can insert your JavaScript code. The header box will execute scripts in the head section of your HTML, whereas the footer box will execute scripts just before the closing body tag.
  2. Paste your JavaScript code into the appropriate box.

Step 3: Saving Your Changes

  1. Once you've added your JavaScript, click Save to apply the changes site-wide.

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Script Validation: Ensure your JavaScript code is well-validated and tested to avoid breaking your site functionality.
  2. Third-Party Scripts: If you’re using third-party scripts, ensure the source is trustworthy to mitigate security risks.
  3. Performance: Adding numerous or heavy scripts may affect your site's loading times. Optimize your scripts to prevent performance issues.
  4. Custom Templates: Some custom templates may have specific locations where JavaScript should be placed. Review template documentation if available.
  5. Squarespace Plan: Access to Code Injection and certain advanced features might depend on your Squarespace plan. Ensure your subscription allows for custom coding functionality.


Enabling JavaScript on a Squarespace site requires inserting the script into specific pages using a code block or adding it site-wide through the Code Injection feature in the advanced settings. By following the steps, you can enhance your Squarespace website’s interactivity and functionality. Always consider script validation, performance impact, and security implications when adding custom JavaScript to your site.


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