How Do I Edit My Inventory on Squarespace?

Editing your inventory on Squarespace involves managing and updating the products listed on your online store, ensuring accurate stock levels, descriptions, prices, and other product details. Below are the detailed steps to guide you through this process:

Accessing Your Inventory

  1. Log In to Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Navigate to the Squarespace website.
  3. Log in with your email address and password.

  4. Open the Commerce Menu:

  5. Once logged in, go to the Home Menu.
  6. Click on Commerce.

  7. Navigate to Inventory:

  8. In the Commerce menu, select Inventory. This will open a comprehensive overview of all products listed in your store.

Editing Product Details

  1. Select the Product:
  2. From the inventory list, click on the product you wish to edit. This will open the product editor.

  3. Edit Basic Information:

  4. Title: Update the product name.
  5. Description: Modify the product description to reflect any changes.
  6. Images/Videos: Add, remove, or update images and videos of the product.

  7. Set Pricing:

  8. Price: Adjust the price of the product.
  9. Sale Price: Optionally, enter a sale price if the item is on discount.

  10. Update Stock Level:

  11. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU): Ensure each product variant has a unique SKU.
  12. Stock Quantity: Update the number of items available in stock.
  13. Stock Notifications: Set low-stock notifications to alert you when inventory levels are running low.

Managing Product Variants

  1. Add/Edit Variants:
  2. Click on Variants to manage different versions of the same product, such as sizes, colors, or styles.
  3. Add New Variant: Enter details for the new variant, like price, SKU, and stock level.

  4. Remove Variant:

  5. To remove a variant, click the delete icon next to the variant you wish to remove.

Saving Changes

  1. Save Individual Changes:
  2. After making changes to any product detail, ensure you click Save at the top or bottom of the page.

  3. Bulk Save:

  4. For bulk edits, you can select multiple products and perform batch actions like updating stock levels or prices.

Practical Considerations

  • SEO Settings: Ensure that each product has optimized SEO settings to improve search engine visibility. This includes editing the SEO title, description, and relevant meta tags.
  • Shipping Information: Ensure all shipping details, including weight and dimensions, are accurate for proper calculation of shipping costs.
  • Categories and Tags: Properly categorize and tag products for better navigation and search within your store. This helps customers find products easier.
  • Sales Tax: Verify that sales tax settings are updated according to your jurisdiction's requirements for each product.


  • User Access: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to edit inventory. Not all users may have access depending on your Squarespace plan and user role assignments.
  • Computing Device: Inventory management is best done on a desktop or laptop. Mobile devices might have limited functionality and a less convenient user interface.
  • Internet Access: A stable internet connection is essential to prevent data loss or saving issues while updating inventory.


Editing your inventory on Squarespace is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to detail to ensure all product information is accurate and up-to-date. By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently manage your online store's inventory and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.


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