How Do I Edit Mobile View Squarespace?

Editing the mobile view of a Squarespace website requires understanding both the platform's built-in mobile-responsive design features and how to use custom CSS for more specific adjustments. Below, you will find a step-by-step guide on effectively customizing the mobile view on Squarespace:

1. Understanding Squarespace's Mobile Responsiveness:

Squarespace automatically adjusts its templates to be mobile-friendly, meaning you don’t have to create a separate mobile version of your site. However, this can sometimes lead to layouts that might not be perfectly suited to your needs.

2. Access the Mobile View:

To see how your site looks on mobile, you can preview it: - While editing your site, click on the Device Viewer icon that resembles a small phone or tablet. This will let you see how your site appears on various devices.

3. Adjust Mobile Styles via Built-in Settings:

Some templates and blocks in Squarespace allow you to make mobile-specific adjustments directly: - Page Sections and Blocks: Certain blocks, such as the Spacer block, allow you to adjust sizes for different devices. You can also hide/show blocks on mobile or desktop. - Mobile Styles Editor: Go to Design > Site Styles, and then look for mobile-specific options. Here, you may adjust mobile font sizes, padding, margin, etc., depending on your template.

4. Using Custom CSS for Mobile-Specific Styling:

If built-in settings are not sufficient, you can add custom CSS to target mobile devices. Here are the steps: 1. Open CSS Editor: Go to Design > Custom CSS. 2. Write Mobile-Specific CSS: Use media queries to target mobile devices. A typical media query for mobile devices might look like this:

@media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {
/* Custom mobile styles go here */
.your-class {
font-size: 16px;
padding: 10px;
  1. Add Media Queries: - To target smartphones specifically: css @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { /* Adjustments for smartphones */ } - To target tablets: css @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 768px) { /* Adjustments for tablets */ }

5. Testing Your Changes:

After making changes, test thoroughly across different devices to ensure uniformity: - Use browser developer tools to simulate different devices. - Physically check your site on multiple devices (iPhone, Android, tablet, etc.)

6. Common Customizations:

Some common mobile-specific customizations include: - Font-sizing: Making text larger or smaller. - Padding/Margin Adjustments: Decreasing or increasing white space. - Hiding Elements: Not displaying certain elements on mobile to reduce clutter. - Navigation Adjustments: Ensuring the navigation menu is user-friendly.

7. Limitations and Considerations:

  • Template Restrictions: Some templates may have limitations on what can be adjusted. Familiarize yourself with your template's capabilities.
  • CSS Skills: Customizing via CSS requires basic understanding of CSS. If you’re not comfortable, consider hiring a developer.
  • Responsive Testing: Remember, different devices and even browser sizes can impact how your site is displayed, so thorough testing is crucial.


Editing the mobile view in Squarespace involves a combination of using the platform's built-in responsive design features and adding custom CSS to fine-tune the appearance. Whether using the Device Viewer for direct edits or implementing media queries in Custom CSS, careful planning and testing will ensure your site looks great on all devices.


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