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How Do I Edit in Mobile View Without Affecting Desktop Squarespace?

Editing your Squarespace site for mobile view without affecting the desktop view requires a nuanced approach. Squarespace templates are generally designed to be responsive, meaning they adjust automatically to look good on a variety of screen sizes. However, there may be times when you need to make specific adjustments for mobile devices.

Here are steps and considerations to ensure your mobile edits do not negatively impact the desktop version:

Using Built-In Features and Settings

  1. Responsive Design Default:
  2. By default, Squarespace's built-in responsive design will handle most of the adjustments to ensure your site looks good on all devices.
  3. Preview your site on different devices using Squarespace’s built-in preview feature to see how it looks across various screen sizes.

  4. Mobile Styles Panel:

  5. Some Squarespace templates provide a ‘Mobile Styles’ panel where you can configure settings specific to mobile. Adjustments here do not affect the desktop view.
  6. Access this panel from the Site Design settings in your Squarespace dashboard.

Custom CSS for Mobile-Specific Adjustments

  1. Media Queries:
  2. Use CSS media queries to apply styles that will only affect mobile devices. This allows you to tweak specific elements without altering the desktop layout.
  3. Example: css @media (max-width: 600px) { /* Your mobile-specific styles here */ .header { font-size: 18px; } .content { padding: 10px; } }
  4. In Squarespace, go to 'Design' > 'Custom CSS' and add your CSS media queries.

  5. Target Specific Elements:

  6. Identify the elements that need different styling on mobile. Use the browser's developer tools (usually accessed with right-click > Inspect) to find classes or IDs of these elements.

Using Squarespace Blocks and Layout Engine

  1. Mobile-Only Content:
  2. Add content blocks that only display on mobile devices by using visibility settings.
  3. While editing a block, click the 'Gear' icon, go to the 'Advanced' tab, and set 'Disable on:' choosing desktop or mobile accordingly.

  4. Adjust Layouts:

  5. Re-stack your sections for mobile view. Squarespace often stacks elements vertically by default in a mobile view, but you can preview and adjust this within the editor.
  6. For complicated layouts, use spacer blocks that adjust depending on screen size to manage white space effectively.

Practical Steps for Managing Specific Content Types

  1. Images:
  2. Use Squarespace’s built-in image focal point tool to ensure images are appropriately cropped on different devices.
  3. Click on an image block, then click 'Edit' and adjust the focal point so it looks good on both desktop and mobile.

  4. Text Blocks:

  5. Test text sizes across devices. Use the headings features (H1, H2, etc.) for a consistent look that scales well.
  6. Adjust font sizes using CSS media queries if necessary.

  7. Navigation Menus:

  8. Complex navigation menus can become unwieldy on mobile. Consider simplifying the menu structure for mobile users.
  9. Squarespace automatically converts navigation into a mobile-friendly menu, but you can customize this further using the 'Mobile Styles’ settings.

Testing and Iteration

  1. Regular Previews:
  2. Frequently preview your site on different devices and orientations. This helps catch issues early.

  3. Testing Across Devices:

  4. Utilize tools like Google Chrome's Developer Tools which allow you to simulate different devices.
  5. Test on actual mobile devices when possible for the most accurate assessment.


  1. Template Restrictions:
  2. Some templates have limited flexibility. You may find it challenging to customize certain aspects without advanced CSS or JavaScript—choose a template that aligns closely with your desired layout.

  3. Load Time Considerations:

  4. Be mindful that mobile users may have slower internet connections. Optimize images, use lazy loading, and minimize the number of scripts and heavy elements to enhance mobile performance.

  5. Third-Party Integrations:

  6. Certain third-party widgets or custom code snippets may not be fully responsive. Test these elements thoroughly.

By taking advantage of Squarespace's responsive design features, custom CSS, and targeted content blocks, you can create a polished, user-friendly experience tailored to both mobile and desktop visitors. Remember to consistently test your site on multiple devices to ensure consistent quality across all views.