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How Do I Edit an Image Block in Squarespace?

Editing an image block in Squarespace can significantly enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your website. The process is relatively straightforward, but it's important to understand the options available to ensure you can make the most of this feature. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you edit an image block in Squarespace.

Steps to Edit an Image Block in Squarespace

  1. Log In to Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Open your web browser and navigate to the Squarespace website.
  3. Log in to your account using your credentials.

  4. Navigate to Your Website:

  5. From your dashboard, select the website you want to edit.

  6. Enter the Page Editor:

  7. On the left sidebar, click on "Pages."
  8. Select the page where the image block is located. You can also choose to create a new page if desired.

  9. Add or Select the Image Block:

  10. If you’re adding a new image block, click the "+" icon or "Add Block" in the editor.
  11. Select "Image" from the list of block types.
  12. If you are editing an existing image block, simply hover over the image until the edit icons appear and click the "Edit" button.

  13. Upload or Replace an Image:

  14. In the image block settings, you can drag and drop an image file, click the "Add Image" button to upload a new image, or select an image from your existing library.
  15. To replace an existing image, click on the image in the block settings and follow the same process.

  16. Edit Image Properties:

  17. Style & Appearance:
    • Choose from different layout styles such as Inline, Poster, Card, Overlap, Collage, or Stack.
    • Adjust the image shape (e.g., Original, Square, or Custom dimensions).
  18. Design Settings:
    • Utilize options like focal point adjustment, which lets you specify the key part of the image to display.
    • Add an image link if you want the image to serve as a hyperlink.
    • Apply an image overlay (a semi-transparent color filter) if supported by the block style.
  19. Text & Caption Settings:

    • Depending on the image block style, you can add a caption, title, or description. This additional text can enhance context or provide details for the image.
  20. Enable Lightbox:

  21. If you want the image to open in a lightbox (a larger overlay when clicked), toggle the “Enable Lightbox” option on.

  22. Spacing and Alignment:

  23. Adjust the spacing around the image block to ensure it aligns well with the rest of your page content.
  24. You can also change the alignment (Left, Center, Right) to fit your design layout.

  25. Save Changes:

  26. After making all the necessary edits, click the "Apply" or "Save" button to ensure your changes are updated on the page.
  27. Click "Save" or "Done" again on the top of the page editor to finalize your changes.

Practical Considerations

  • Image Quality: Ensure the images you upload are of high quality but optimized for web to avoid slow loading times. Squarespace typically compresses images, but starting with a well-optimized image helps maintain quality.
  • Alt Text: Don’t forget to add alt text for accessibility reasons and SEO benefits. This can be done in the image block settings under the "Design" or "Advanced" tab.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent style for image blocks across your site for a cohesive look. This includes using the same border styles, shadow effects, and alignments.


  • Style Restrictions: Some templates and image block styles may have limitations on the customizations you can apply.
  • Mobile Display: Always preview changes on mobile devices to ensure the images and layout look good on smaller screens.

By following these steps and considerations, you can effectively edit and enhance image blocks on your Squarespace site, ensuring they contribute effectively to your site’s overall design and functionality.