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How Do I Edit a Product on Squarespace?

Editing a product on Squarespace is a straightforward process that involves accessing the product catalog through the Squarespace interface and making desired changes. Whether you need to update product information, adjust pricing, or modify images, the steps below guide you through the process.

1. Login and Navigate to Your Website

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account: Open your web browser and navigate to squarespace.com. Click on “Log In” at the top right corner and enter your credentials.

  2. Access your website: Once logged in, you will see a list of your websites. Click on the one you want to edit.

2. Access the Product Catalog

  1. Enter the editing mode: Click on the ‘Pages’ link in the left-hand navigation menu to open the page list.

  2. Locate your store page: Find the store page where your products are listed. It might be named something like “Shop” or “Store.”

  3. Open the products list: Click on your store page to open it. Here, you’ll see a thumbnail list of all the products listed for sale.

3. Edit the Product

  1. Select the product: Click on the specific product you wish to edit. This will open the product editor window.

  2. Update product details:

    • General Information: Edit the product name, description, categories, tags, and URL slug.
    • Pricing and Inventory: Adjust the product price, sales price, SKU, stock quantity, and enable/disable product variance if necessary.
    • Images and Videos: Click on the image block or video block to update media. You can drag and drop images directly, upload new ones, or delete existing ones.
  3. Additional Options:

    • SEO: Click on the ‘SEO’ tab to customize the SEO description for better search engine visibility.
    • Social Media: Use the ‘Social’ tab to add or update the image and text used when sharing the product on social media platforms.
    • Additional Product Information: Add custom forms, related products, or additional notes through the ‘Additional Info’ section.

4. Save Changes and Review

  1. Save Changes: After making all the necessary updates, click the “Save” button at the top-left of the product editor window.

  2. Preview the changes: Navigate back to your store page and check that the updates reflect correctly.

  3. Test functionality: If you’ve made extensive edits, it’s wise to test the purchasing process to ensure everything is set up correctly (e.g., pricing updates, images display properly, inventory adjusts accordingly).

Considerations and Limitations

  • Inventory Management: If you have low stock alerts or connected inventory management software, ensure your updates synchronize correctly with these systems.

  • Product Variations and SKUs: For products with multiple variations (sizes, colors), ensure each variant has the correct information and stock levels.

  • Media Recommendations: Use high-quality images and videos for product listings to attract customers. Squarespace recommends images at least 1500 pixels wide for best results.

  • SEO Best Practices: Optimize each product’s SEO settings to help potential customers find your products via search engines.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Preview your product edits on different device sizes within the Squarespace editor to ensure it displays well on all screen sizes.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently edit and manage your products on Squarespace, maintaining a professional and functional e-commerce site.