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How Do I Crop in Squarespace?

Cropping images in Squarespace can be an essential task for ensuring that your visuals look polished and fit well within your site's design. While Squarespace doesn't have an in-built cropping tool like traditional photo editing software, you can achieve the desired effect using a combination of its features. Follow these steps to crop images using different approaches in Squarespace:

1. Use Layout Options

This approach involves adjusting the layout or style of your images within image blocks, sections, or galleries.

Basic Guidelines:

  1. Navigate to your page: Go to the specific page containing the image you want to crop.
  2. Edit page content: Hover over the desired image block, section, or gallery and click on the edit icon (usually a pencil or gear icon).
  3. Adjust layout: Depending on where your image resides, you have different options:
  4. Image Block: Choose a focal point or crop setting within the image block settings.
    • Click on the image block.
    • Select "Design" and then "Image Block" style.
    • Adjust the "Aspect Ratio" to suit your needs – commonly used ratios like 1:1 (square), 16:9, etc., might help in achieving the desired crop.
  5. Gallery Block: Different gallery styles allow different crop behaviors.
    • For example, the Grid Gallery automatically crops images to fit within a consistent square grid.
    • Carousel and Slider galleries often offer paddings and different aspect ratios you can tweak.
  6. Sections: Background images within sections can be adjusted for focus and cropping.
    • Click on the section containing the background image.
    • Navigate to "Page" and click on "Background".
    • Adjust the focal point and section height to get the preferred crop effect.

2. Use CSS Customization

If the layout options do not provide the level of control you need, you can use custom CSS to crop images.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Add Custom CSS:
  2. Navigate to Design > Custom CSS.
  3. Insert the CSS code to target the specific image you want to style.

  4. CSS Code Example: css /* Targeting an image by its class or ID */ .your-image-class { object-fit: cover; /* Fills the container while maintaining aspect ratio */ width: 100%; height: 300px; /* Desired height for cropping */ overflow: hidden; position: relative; }

  5. Replace .your-image-class with the actual class or ID of the image block. You can find that using your browser’s developer tools (inspect element).

  6. Apply and Save:

  7. Save your custom CSS and preview the page to ensure it looks correct.

3. Pre-Crop Images Before Uploading

Pre-cropping images using external software might be the most straightforward approach if you have specific requirements for your image dimensions.

Recommended Tools:

  1. Adobe Photoshop: Professional-grade editing.
  2. GIMP: Free and open-source photo editor.
  3. Online Tools: Websites like Canva or Pixlr for quick, no-download-required edits.


  1. Open the chosen software or tool.
  2. Import your image.
  3. Crop the image to your preferred dimensions: Usually by specifying width and height or using aspect ratio selections in the tool.
  4. Export and save the image in a suitable format and resolution for web use (e.g., JPEG, PNG).
  5. Upload to Squarespace: Update the image in your image blocks, sections, or galleries.

Considerations and Limitations:

  • Aspect Ratio Limits: Changing aspect ratios might not work for all situations or layouts due to responsiveness needs.
  • CSS Knowledge: Using custom CSS requires basic understanding of CSS and may need testing to get perfect results.
  • Image Quality: Always ensure images are high resolution to avoid pixelation, especially with cropping that reduces visible image size.

By following these procedures, you can tailor your images to fit seamlessly into your Squarespace site design. Remember, while built-in tools provide flexible options, sometimes a combination of external pre-cropping and in-platform adjustments offers the best results.