How Do I Create an Intake Form in Squarespace?

Creating an intake form in Squarespace is an efficient way to collect information from your visitors, whether you're looking to gather client inquiries, RSVPs for events, or any other type of data. Squarespace provides a built-in form block, which you can customize to meet your needs. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create an intake form in Squarespace:

Step 1: Access Your Squarespace Website

  1. Log In: Visit the Squarespace website and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate: Access the particular webpage or section where you want to add the form.

Step 2: Add a Form Block

  1. Edit Page: Enter the Edit mode for the selected page by clicking the "Edit" button in the top-right corner.
  2. Add Block: Click the “+” icon to add a new content block. This opens the block menu.
  3. Select Form Block: Scroll down to find the “Form” block and click on it to add it to your page.

Step 3: Customize Your Form

  1. Form Title: Click on “Form Title” to name your form appropriately (e.g., “Client Intake Form”).
  2. Form Fields: Add fields to collect specific information. Common fields for an intake form may include:
  3. Name
  4. Email Address
  5. Phone Number
  6. Address
  7. Date
  8. Text Area for any additional comments or detailed information

To add fields: - Click on the “+” button under the “Form Fields” section. - Choose the type of field you want to add (Text, Text Area, Email, Phone, etc.). - Enter a label for each field to indicate what information you’re collecting.

  1. Field Options:
  2. Make fields required by toggling the “Required” option.
  3. Add placeholders or help text for more detailed instructions.

Step 4: Configure Form Storage and Notifications

  1. Storage Options: Click on the “Storage” tab to decide where the form submissions will go. Squarespace offers various options like:
  2. Email: Enter the email address where you want to receive form notifications.
  3. Google Drive: Integrate with Google Drive to save submissions to a spreadsheet.
  4. Mailchimp: Sync with Mailchimp to add respondents to your email list.
  5. Zapier: Use Zapier to connect your form with thousands of apps.

Follow the prompts to authenticate and connect your desired storage option.

Step 5: Style Your Form

  1. Design Options: Customize the design of your form to match your site’s aesthetics:
  2. Border Colors
  3. Background Colors
  4. Text Fonts
  5. Button Colors
  6. Preview Changes: Use the “Preview” button to see how your form looks and ensures it fits well within your page design.

Step 6: Save and Publish

  1. Save Form: Once you’re satisfied with your form, click “Apply” to save your changes.
  2. Publish Page: Save the page you’ve edited by clicking “Done” and then “Save” in the top-right corner.

Final Considerations

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your form is mobile-friendly by testing it on different devices.
  • Form Validation: Double-check that required fields are working correctly and that the form behaves as expected upon submission.
  • Privacy: Inform users about how their data will be used and offer a link to your privacy policy.

By following these comprehensive steps, you’ll be able to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing intake form on Squarespace, tailored to gather the information you need efficiently.


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