How Do I Create an Abandoned Cart Email in Squarespace?

Creating an abandoned cart email in Squarespace is a strategic approach to recover potentially lost sales by reminding customers who have added items to their cart but did not complete the purchase. To create an abandoned cart email in Squarespace, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Accessing the E-commerce Settings:

  • Login to Squarespace: Open your browser, go to the Squarespace website, and log in with your credentials.
  • Select Your Website: If you have multiple websites, choose the one where you want to set up abandoned cart emails.

2. Navigate to Commerce Settings:

  • Settings: In the Home Menu, click on Settings.
  • Commerce: Under the Settings menu, find and select Commerce. Here you will find different settings related to your online store.

3. Turn On Abandoned Cart Recovery:

  • Customer Notifications: Go to Customer Notifications.
  • Abandoned Cart Emails: Under automated emails, look for Abandoned Cart Emails. This is usually labeled clearly under the "Customer Notifications" section.
  • Enable: Toggle the switch to enable abandoned cart emails.

4. Customize Your Abandoned Cart Email:

  • Edit Email Template: Click on the Edit Email template under the Abandoned Cart Emails setting.
  • Subject Line & Preview Text: Customize the subject line and preview text to make it personalized and engaging. For example, use phrases like “Oops, you forgot something!” or “Your cart is waiting for you.”
  • Email Content: Edit the body of the email. The default template usually includes a message, images of the abandoned cart items, and a call-to-action button. Personalize the message to reflect your brand's voice and encourage the customer to return.

5. Schedule the Email:

  • Send Timing: Configure when the email will be sent after the cart is abandoned. Common timeframes are 1 hour, 6 hours, or 24 hours after abandonment. Analyze your customer behavior to choose the optimal timing, staying mindful to not seem too pushy or forgetful.

6. Include Incentives (Optional):

  • Discount Codes: To further entice customers, consider offering a discount code in the email. For example, “Use code SAVE10 to get 10% off your purchase” can motivate customers to complete their purchase.
  • Free Shipping Offer: Another incentive might be free shipping, which can be a significant deciding factor for many customers.

7. Testing the Email:

  • Send Test Email: Always send a test email to yourself to see how it looks in an inbox. Squarespace provides a Send Test Email option to check formatting, links, and overall appearance.

8. Save and Activate:

  • Save Settings: Once you're satisfied with the email template, subject line, and timing, save your settings.
  • Activate: Make sure that the toggle switch for Abandoned Cart Emails is enabled. This confirms that the feature is active and ready to be triggered when a cart is abandoned.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that your email looks good on both desktop and mobile devices, as many users access their emails on mobile devices.
  • Legal Compliance: Make sure to comply with email marketing laws and regulations, such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM Act, which may include providing an easy way for recipients to opt-out of future emails.
  • Monitor Performance: After implementing abandoned cart emails, monitor their performance through Squarespace’s analytics or integrate with tools like Google Analytics. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand the effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
  • Frequent Review: Periodically review and update the content of your abandoned cart emails to keep them fresh and engaging.

By following these steps and considerations, you will be able to set up an effective abandoned cart email strategy in Squarespace that helps recover potentially lost sales and enhances customer experience.


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How Do I Create an Abandoned Cart in Squarespace?