How Do I Create a Survey in Squarespace?

Creating a survey in Squarespace involves using third-party tools or integrating with forms and survey platforms, as Squarespace does not have a built-in, dedicated survey feature. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you accomplish this:

1. Using Squarespace Forms


  1. Log in to your Squarespace Account: Access your Squarespace website by logging in.

  2. Navigate to the Desired Page: Go to the page where you want to create the survey.

  3. Add a Form Block:

  4. Click on an insert point (usually indicated by a "+" sign).
  5. Select “Form” under the Basic Blocks section.

  6. Configure Your Form:

  7. Add Fields:
    • Click on “+ Add Field” to add survey questions. You can include several types of fields such as text, email, radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdown menus for various types of survey questions.
  8. Design Your Form:
    • Customize the form fields by clicking on each, renaming them, setting them as required or optional, and providing default values or options.
  9. Form Name:

    • Rename the form to something descriptive like "Customer Satisfaction Survey".
  10. Storage Options: Configure where the form data will be sent. You can connect your form to a Google Sheet, Mailchimp, or an email address to store responses.

  11. Click on "Storage" and select the storage method.
  12. Follow the prompts to connect your form to your storage method.

  13. Style Your Form: Use the "Design" tab to select a style that fits your website’s aesthetic.

  14. Save and Preview: Save your changes and preview your survey to ensure it looks and functions as expected.

2. Using Third-Party Survey Tools Integrated with Squarespace

Popular options include:

  • Google Forms
  • Typeform
  • SurveyMonkey

These tools offer more advanced survey features and integration capabilities than Squarespace’s native form block.

Integration Steps:

  1. Create the Survey in the Survey Tool:
  2. Sign up or log in to your selected survey tool (e.g., Google Forms, Typeform).
  3. Create a new survey, adding questions, form fields, and customizing the design as per your requirements.
  4. Save the form and get the shareable link or embed code.

Embedding Google Forms, for example:

  1. Embed Your Survey in Squarespace:
  2. Copy the Embed Code:
    • In Google Forms, click on the “Send” button.
    • Select the “<>” embed option and copy the provided HTML code.
  3. Add Code Block in Squarespace:
    • Go to the Squarespace page where you want the survey to appear.
    • Click on an insert point, then select “Code” under the basic block options.
    • Paste the embed code into the code block.
    • Save and preview the page.

Each survey tool will have its own method to generate the embed code, but the general process remains the same: create the survey, obtain the embed code, and insert it using a code block in Squarespace.

3. Considerations and Limitations

  • Customization: If you need extensive customization options and advanced survey analytics, third-party survey tools like Typeform and SurveyMonkey typically offer more features than the native Squarespace form block.

  • Data Handling: Ensure the data storage method you choose complies with any legal and privacy requirements (like GDPR) you need to adhere to.

  • Ease of Use: Native form blocks are easier to set up but might be limited in features. External tools can offer more robust functionality but might require more technical setup.

By following these detailed steps and considering the different options and limitations, you can effectively create a survey integrated within your Squarespace website to gather the valuable feedback and data you need.


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