Can You Connect Squarespace Domain to Shopify?

Yes, connecting a Squarespace domain to Shopify is a straightforward process that involves a series of steps to ensure a smooth transition and proper functioning of your site under the new hosting platform. Here is a detailed guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect a Squarespace Domain to Shopify

1. Prepare Your Shopify Store

  • Set Up Shopify Account: If you haven't already, sign up for a Shopify account and set up your store.
  • Navigate to Domains: From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Domains.

2. Get DNS Settings from Shopify

  • Find DNS Settings: In the Domains section, click on Connect existing domain and enter your Squarespace domain name.
  • Copy DNS Records: Shopify will provide you with specific DNS records (CNAME and A Record) that you'll need to point your Squarespace domain to Shopify.

3. Log In to Your Squarespace Account

  • Access Domain Settings: Go to your Squarespace account dashboard, and navigate to Settings > Domains.
  • Select Your Domain: Choose the domain you want to transfer to Shopify and click on it to access its settings.

4. Update DNS Settings in Squarespace

  • Add DNS Records: In the domain settings, find the DNS settings section. You'll need to update the current DNS records to the ones provided by Shopify.
    • A Record: Change the A record to point to the IP address provided by Shopify.
    • CNAME Record: Change the CNAME record to point to

5. Verify and Complete the Setup on Shopify

  • Verify Connection: Return to your Shopify account, and in the Domains section, click Verify Connection next to the domain name you entered earlier. This process might take up to 48 hours while the DNS records propagate.
  • Primary Domain: Once verified, you can set the new domain as the primary domain for your Shopify store.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Propagation Time: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate fully. During this time, your site may experience some downtime or intermittent accessibility issues.
  • E-mail Accounts: If your Squarespace domain included email services, ensure that you configure the necessary MX records in Shopify to maintain email functionality.
  • SEO Impact: Changing domains may temporarily affect your SEO rankings. To mitigate this:

  • Set up 301 redirects for any pages with high traffic or SEO value.

  • Inform your audience of the domain change and update all links on social media and other platforms.

  • Renewal and Management: After the connection is complete, you’ll continue to manage the domain's renewal and registration through Squarespace until you decide to transfer the registration to another provider, if necessary.


Connecting a Squarespace domain to Shopify involves updating DNS settings to point your domain to Shopify’s servers. With careful planning and execution, the process is relatively straightforward, but it requires attention to detail and consideration of potential impacts on email services and SEO performance. Be sure to follow the steps outlined and monitor the transition to ensure minimal disruption to your online presence.


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