Can You Combine Pages on Squarespace?

Yes, you can combine pages on Squarespace, but it's important to note that Squarespace does not have a native feature that directly merges two pages automatically. However, you can manually combine the content from multiple pages into a single page by following a few steps. Below is a detailed guide on how to achieve this:

Step-by-Step Guide to Combine Pages on Squarespace

1. Plan Your Combined Page

  • Content Organization: Decide which content from each page will go where on the combined page. Sketch a rough outline or create a draft to visualize the final layout.
  • SEO Considerations: Make sure to plan how you will handle SEO for the new combined page, especially if the original pages had good search engine rankings.

2. Create a New Blank Page (or Select the Page to Keep)

  • New Page: If you prefer starting fresh, go to the Pages section in the Squarespace dashboard and click the + icon to create a new blank page.
  • Existing Page: If you want to keep one of the existing pages as the base, open that page for editing.

3. Copy Content from Existing Pages

  • Open Original Pages: Open the pages you want to combine in separate tabs.
  • Copy Text Blocks, Images, and Other Content: For each block of content, hover over it and use the copy options provided by Squarespace to duplicate the content. You can usually right-click to copy text, or use the export/import feature for more complex sections.

4. Paste Content into New or Selected Page

  • Pasting: Navigate to the newly created blank page or the page you are keeping and paste the copied content. Use the "Add Section" button to create new content blocks if necessary.
  • Arrange: Drag and drop the content blocks to match the layout you planned.

5. Add Navigation Links

  • Internal Links: Ensure that any internal links within your content are updated to point to the correct sections of the new combined page.
  • Navigation Menu: Update your website navigation menu to point to the new combined page if needed. This involves removing the old pages and adding the new page to the main navigation.

6. SEO and Redirects

  • SEO Tags: Update the SEO settings and meta tags for the new page to reflect the combined content. This helps in maintaining or improving search engine rankings.
  • 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects from the old pages to the new combined page. This ensures that any traffic to the old pages is seamlessly directed to the new page. You can set up redirects from Squarespace by going to Settings > Advanced > URL Mappings.

7. Review and Publish

  • Review: Double-check the new page for any content errors, broken links, and design inconsistencies.
  • Publish: Once satisfied with the preview, publish the page.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Time-Consuming: Manually combining pages can be time-consuming, especially for content-heavy pages.
  • Design Consistency: Ensure that the design elements remain consistent across the combined page to provide a smooth user experience.
  • Content Duplication: Avoid duplicating content as search engines may penalize this, negatively affecting SEO.
  • Backup: Always make backups of your pages before making significant changes. Squarespace doesn’t have a versioning system, so having a stored copy ensures you can revert if needed.
  • External Plugins: If you use any third-party integrations or plugins, make sure they are correctly configured for the new combined page.

By following these steps, you can effectively combine multiple Squarespace pages into a single consolidated page, enhancing the user experience and potentially improving your site’s SEO.


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