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Can You Change Your Squarespace URL?

Yes, you can change your Squarespace URL. Here are the steps and considerations involved in making this change:

Changing Your Squarespace URL

  1. Log into Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Go to the Squarespace website and log in with your credentials.

  3. Access the Settings Panel:

  4. Once logged in, select the website for which you want to change the URL.
  5. From the Home Menu, navigate to Settings.

  6. Locate the Domain Section:

  7. In the Settings menu, find and click on Domains.

  8. Change the URL:

  9. If you're using a Squarespace default domain (e.g., yoursite.squarespace.com), you can change this by selecting the domain you want to edit and clicking on the settings icon next to it.
  10. Click Rename and enter the new URL you want. Squarespace will provide an availability check to ensure your desired URL is not already taken.
  11. Click Save to confirm your changes.

  12. Custom Domains (Third-Party):

  13. If you have a custom domain (e.g., yoursite.com), you will need to update this through your domain registrar’s settings.
  14. Once you've updated your DNS settings at your registrar, go back to the Squarespace Domains settings panel and connect your new custom domain.

  15. Redirect the Old URL (Optional but Recommended):

  16. To avoid losing traffic, you might want to set up a 301 redirect from your old URL to the new one. This is crucial for maintaining search engine rankings and ensuring visitors can still find your site.
  17. To do this, go to Settings > Advanced > URL Mappings. Here you can add a mapping from the old URL to the new one.

Considerations and Limitations

  • SEO Impact:
  • Changing your URL can have a temporary effect on your search engine rankings. Search engines will take time to re-index your new URL.
  • Make sure to submit an updated sitemap to search engines via tools like Google Search Console.

  • Backlinks:

  • Any existing backlinks pointing to your old URL will need to be updated. Informing major referrers about the change can help retain your referral traffic.

  • Emails and Notifications:

  • If your domain change affects your email addresses (i.e., if you're using a custom domain with email services), ensure that these are updated and continue to function correctly to avoid missing important communications.

  • Brand Consistency:

  • Ensure that all instances of your URL across digital and print media are updated with the new URL to maintain consistent branding. This includes social media profiles, email signatures, business cards, etc.

  • Technical Adjustments:

  • Depending on your website's complexity (e.g., integrated applications, custom scripts), verify that all technical aspects are functioning correctly post-change.


Changing your Squarespace URL is a manageable process but requires careful handling to avoid disrupting your traffic and SEO. Always back up your website and notify your audience and relevant stakeholders of the change to ensure a smooth transition. If you're unsure at any step, consult Squarespace’s support or consider hiring a professional to assist with the process.