Can You Change Squarespace Template After Publishing?

Yes, you can change your Squarespace template after publishing, though the process involves several important considerations and steps. Here’s how you can manage this transition efficiently and what you should keep in mind:

Practical Steps to Change Your Squarespace Template

  1. Log into Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Navigate to Squarespace and log in with your credentials.

  3. Access Templates:

  4. In the Home Menu, go to Design and then click on Template.

  5. Browse New Templates:

  6. Click on Explore Templates to browse the available options. You can preview how different templates would appear on your site by selecting Preview.

  7. Install the New Template:

  8. When you find a new template that suits your needs, select Start with [Template Name]. This action adds the template to your site but keeps it in preview mode initially, so your live site remains unchanged for visitors.

  9. Customize the New Template:

  10. Take your time to customize the new template by adjusting settings, organizing content, and adding any necessary pages or blocks. Use the Style Editor to tailor fonts, colors, and other design elements.

  11. Set the New Template Live:

  12. Once you're satisfied with the new setup, go to the Templates menu again and click Set as Live Template for your new selection. This action will apply the new template to your live site.

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Content Reorganization:
  2. Different templates may handle content and layout differently. Be prepared to reorganize or reformat your content to fit the new template’s structure. Some elements may not transfer automatically and may require manual adjustment.

  3. Custom CSS and Code:

  4. If you’ve used custom CSS or made other code modifications, these may not work seamlessly with the new template. You’ll need to review and potentially adjust your custom code to ensure it blends well with the new design.

  5. Backup Your Site:

  6. Before making any changes, it’s prudent to backup your content. While Squarespace doesn’t offer a one-click backup solution, you can manually export content (such as blog posts) and save images and text offline.

  7. SEO and Analytics:

  8. Check your SEO and analytics settings after switching templates. Ensure that any SEO customizations or analytics code are carried over and implemented correctly in the new template.

  9. Testing:

  10. Thoroughly test your website on different devices and browsers before making it live. This ensures that design elements appear correctly and functionality is maintained across platforms.

  11. Subscription Plan:

  12. Be aware that certain features and templates may only be available under specific subscription plans. Ensure your current plan supports the template and features you wish to use.

By following these steps and considerations, you can transition to a new Squarespace template effectively, ensuring your site remains functional and aesthetically pleasing while accommodating the new design.


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