Can You Add Wishlist on Squarespace?

Yes, you can add a wishlist to your Squarespace website, though it requires some additional steps since Squarespace does not have a built-in wishlist feature. Here are several methods to achieve this:

1. Using Third-Party Plugins

Several third-party services and plugins are available that integrate with Squarespace to provide wishlist functionality. Here’s how to add a wishlist using a third-party plugin:

a. Elfsight Wishlist Widget:

  1. Sign Up: Visit the Elfsight website ( and sign up for an account if you don’t have one.
  2. Create Widget: Go to the Elfsight dashboard, create a new widget, and choose the Wishlist widget.
  3. Customize Widget: Customize your wishlist widget according to your preferences, such as appearance, layout, and functionality.
  4. Get Code: Once you’re satisfied with the customization, save it and copy the generated code.
  5. Add to Squarespace: Go to your Squarespace website editor. Navigate to the page where you want the wishlist to appear. Add a Code Block (by clicking the “+” icon and selecting Code from the menu) and paste the generated code.

b. Wishlist Plugin:

  1. Sign Up: Visit the website ( and sign up for an account.
  2. Create Plugin: Create a new plugin and choose the Wishlist option.
  3. Customize Plugin: Customize the Wishlist plugin as per your requirements.
  4. Install Plugin: Get the installation code and embed it on your Squarespace site using a Code Block.

2. Custom Development

If you have coding knowledge, or you can hire a developer, you can create a custom wishlist feature by using custom code:

a. Creating a Form:

  1. Create a Form Block: Add a Form Block to your product pages, where users can input the items they want to add to their wishlist.
  2. Custom Code for Wishlist: Use custom JavaScript or jQuery to manage the form submissions and store the wishlist data, either in cookies, local storage, or a backend database.
  3. Wishlist Page: Create a wishlist page that fetches and displays the wishlist items stored.

3. Using Member Areas

A more intricate solution involves using Squarespace's Member Areas feature to create a multi-step process where customers can save their favorite products.

  1. Set Up a Member Area: Create a member area on your Squarespace website where users can sign up and log in.
  2. Favorites Page: Create a hidden page that only members can access, where their wishlist items will be displayed.
  3. Custom Button: Add a custom script to product pages that allows signed-in users to click a “Add to Wishlist” button, which then saves the product information in a database or table linked to their account.
  4. Display Wishlist: On the Favorites page, use a Data block or Code block to retrieve and display the saved items.

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Skill Level: Adding a wishlist using custom code requires a solid understanding of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and possibly backend programming if you need to store data persistently.
  2. Design Consistency: Ensure the third-party plugin or custom code integrates well with your website’s design and does not affect performance or load times.
  3. Costs: Some third-party widgets may require a subscription after a trial period or for full access to features.
  4. User Experience: Make sure that the wishlist feature is easily accessible and user-friendly, as a complicated process can deter users from using it.
  5. Data Privacy: If you are collecting user data, ensure you comply with relevant data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA.

By considering these methods and factors, you can provide your customers with a useful wishlist feature on your Squarespace website, enhancing their shopping experience and potentially increasing sales.


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