Can You Add Music on Squarespace?

Yes, you can add music to your Squarespace website, and there are several methods to do so depending on your specific needs. Here are some comprehensive ways to incorporate music into your Squarespace site:

Method 1: Using Audio Blocks


  1. Log In: Log in to your Squarespace account and open your website editor.
  2. Edit Page: Go to the page where you want to add the music. Click on "Edit" to open the page editor.
  3. Add Block: Click on the "+" button to add a new block.
  4. Select Audio: From the block menu, select the "Audio" block.
  5. Upload File: You can now upload your audio file (MP3, OGG, or WAV formats are supported). Once uploaded, you’ll have options to add a title and a description or cover image.
  6. Save: Save your changes by clicking on "Done" followed by "Save."


  • File Size: Note that there might be file size limitations depending on your subscription plan.
  • Licensing: Ensure you have the rights to use the music you upload.

Method 2: Using Music Player Services


  1. Choose a Music Service: Select a music player service like SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc.
  2. Embed Code: Obtain the embed code for the track or playlist you want to add.
  3. Add Code Block: On Squarespace, go to the page editor and add a "Code" block.
  4. Paste Embed Code: Paste the embed code into the Code block.
  5. Save: Click "Done" and then "Save" to apply the changes.


  • Look and Feel: Embedded players maintain the look and feel of the third-party service.
  • Interactivity: These players may offer additional features like sharing, liking, and more, which can increase user engagement.

Method 3: Integrating with Streaming Platforms


  1. Platform Selection: Choose a streaming platform like Apple Music, Spotify, or Google Play Music.
  2. Get Embed Code: Obtain the share or embed code for your track or album from the streaming platform.
  3. Embed Code: Add this code to the page where you'd like the music to appear by using a "Code" block.
  4. Publish Changes: Save and publish your changes.


  • Subscription Plans: Ensure your users have access to the platform if it requires a subscription.
  • Restricted Access: Be aware that some platforms might restrict playback or have regional limitations.

Method 4: Using Background Music


  1. Custom Code: You can add background music using custom code, but this is a more advanced technique and involves a bit of HTML and JavaScript.
  2. Code Block: Add a "Code" block where the music should be played.
  3. HTML5/PHP Script: Insert an HTML5 <audio> tag or a JavaScript snippet that autoplays the audio file.
  4. Host Audio: Ensure the audio file is hosted online (e.g., through your Squarespace site, other web hosting, or a CDN).

Example Code:

html <audio autoplay loop> <source src="URL_TO_YOUR_AUDIO_FILE" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio>


  • User Experience: Autoplaying background music can sometimes be intrusive, so use this feature cautiously.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with the major web browsers.
  • Regulations: Adhere to accessibility and web standards, such as providing controls for the audio.


Adding music to your Squarespace site can be achieved through various methods: - Audio Blocks: Simple upload, ideal for direct sharing of files. - Embed Services: Use third-party players like SoundCloud or Spotify for wider reach and functionality. - Custom Code for Background Music: More advanced and embedded directly into the site, offering autoplay features.

Each method has its considerations; choose the one that best fits your needs. Ensure you have the rights to any music you upload or share to avoid legal issues.


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