Can You Add Google Fonts to Squarespace?

Yes, you can add Google Fonts to Squarespace. Squarespace has built-in support for Google Fonts, making it straightforward to integrate them into your website. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you add Google Fonts to your Squarespace site, along with some considerations:

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Google Fonts to Squarespace

1. Log in to Your Squarespace Account:

  • Navigate to the Squarespace website and log in using your credentials.

2. Access Your Website Editor:

  • From the Squarespace dashboard, select the website you wish to edit.

3. Navigate to Design Settings:

  • In the left-hand menu, click on "Design" to access various design-related settings.

4. Open the ‘Fonts’ Section:

  • Under the Design menu, select "Fonts." This is where you can manage the fonts used on your site.

5. Choose Site-Wide Fonts:

  • You'll usually see options to change the fonts for various text elements like headings, paragraphs, and buttons. Click on any text element you want to change to open the font options.

6. Select a Google Font:

  • In the font selection interface, you will see an option to select fonts. Scroll through the list or use the search bar to find the specific Google Font you want to use. Squarespace integrates a wide array of Google Fonts, so you should be able to find the font you’re looking for.

7. Apply the Font:

  • Once you've chosen a Google Font, click to apply it. You can immediately see the changes reflected in the preview window.

8. Save Your Changes:

  • After you’re satisfied with your choices, make sure to save the changes by clicking the "Save" or "Apply" button, typically found at the top or bottom of the panel.

Additional Customization

If you need more granular control or the desired Google Font isn’t available via the built-in interface, you can use custom CSS to import fonts manually. Here’s how:

1. Obtain the Embed Code:

  • Go to the Google Fonts site (, select the fonts you want, and generate the embed code. This will usually be a <link> tag.

2. Insert the Embed Code:

  • Copy the generated <link> tag.
  • Go back to your Squarespace editor, and navigate to “Design” -> “Custom CSS”.
  • At the bottom of the custom CSS pane, you’ll see a button to manage “Advanced Settings” or “Manage Custom Files.” Click on it to open an area where you can add code.
  • Paste the <link> tag in the appropriate section.

3. Apply Custom CSS:

  • Now, you can use custom CSS rules to apply the Google Font. For example: css h1 { font-family: 'YourFontName', sans-serif; }
  • Replace 'YourFontName' with the name of the font specified in the Google Fonts embed code.

4. Save and Preview:

  • Save your custom CSS changes and preview your website to ensure the font is applied correctly.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Performance: Keep in mind that adding multiple Google Fonts can impact your site’s load time. Optimize your choices by limiting the number of different fonts you use.
  • Browser Compatibility: Google Fonts are generally well-supported, but always check to ensure the font displays correctly across different browsers and devices.
  • Fallback Fonts: Always define fallback fonts in your CSS. For example, in font-family: 'YourFontName', sans-serif;, sans-serif is the fallback.


Adding Google Fonts to Squarespace is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the aesthetic of your website. Utilizing the built-in features makes it easy, while custom CSS provides additional flexibility. Always consider performance and compatibility to ensure a seamless user experience.


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