Can You Add a Search Bar in Squarespace?

Yes, you can add a search bar to your Squarespace website. A search bar is a valuable feature for enhancing user experience, allowing visitors to easily navigate through your content. Here’s how you can add a search bar in Squarespace, along with some relevant considerations and practical steps:

Using Built-In Search Block

Squarespace provides a built-in functionality to add a search bar through the Search Block. This is available in most versions of Squarespace.


  1. Navigate to Your Page:
  2. Go to the page where you want to add the search bar.
  3. Click on “Edit” to modify the page content.

  4. Insert a Search Block:

  5. Click on the "Add Block" icon (usually depicted as a "+" sign).
  6. From the list of Blocks, select the "Search" block.

  7. Configure the Search Block:

  8. Once the Search block is added to your page, you can configure its settings.
  9. You might have options like setting the title, placeholder text, and choosing where the search results will be displayed.

  10. Styling the Search Block:

  11. You can style the search bar using custom CSS to match your website’s aesthetic.

  12. Save and Publish:

  13. After configuring and styling, save your changes, and the search bar will be live on your site.

Adding a Search Bar in the Site Header or Sidebar

If you want the search bar to be more accessible, such as placing it in the site header or sidebar, you’ll need to add it through the site’s code.


  1. Site Header via Code Injection:

  2. Go to Home Menu > Settings > Advanced > Code Injection.

  3. In the Header section, insert the necessary HTML and JavaScript for the search bar.
  4. Example: html <form action="/search" method="get" style="..."> <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search..."> <button type="submit">Search</button> </form>

  5. You may need to add custom CSS to style the search bar appropriately: css input[name="q"] { /* Add your custom CSS styling here */ }

  6. Global Header or Sidebar:

  7. Edit your site’s template to add the search bar globally. This might require some knowledge of Squarespace’s template language and code modification.

  8. Go to Design > Custom CSS and inject your custom HTML/CSS for the search bar.

Using Third-Party Search Widgets

For more advanced search capabilities, like real-time indexing or custom search overlays, you may consider using third-party search services.


  1. Select a Third-Party Service:
  2. Popular options include Swiftype, Algolia, or Google Custom Search.

  3. Configure the Third-Party Search:

  4. Follow the service’s instructions to configure and customize your search experience. This typically involves creating an account, indexing your site, and obtaining an embed code or API key.

  5. Embed the Search Widget:

  6. Go to Home Menu > Settings > Advanced > Code Injection and place the provided embed code in the appropriate section (Header or Footer).

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Customization:
  2. While the built-in search block is straightforward to use, it offers limited customization options compared to third-party services.

  3. Search Functionality:

  4. Squarespace’s native search covers basic queries but might fall short for complex search needs or large sites with extensive content.

  5. Integration:

  6. Third-party services offer powerful features but require more setup and potentially incur additional costs.

  7. Template Compatibility:

  8. Ensure any custom code or third-party widgets are compatible with your current template to avoid layout issues.

By following these steps, you can effectively add and customize a search bar on your Squarespace website, improving navigation and overall user experience.


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