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Can Squarespace Use Google Analytics?

Yes, Squarespace can indeed use Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic. Integrating Google Analytics with your Squarespace website allows you to gain detailed insights into your visitors' behavior, traffic sources, and overall website performance. Here is a comprehensive guide to setting up Google Analytics with your Squarespace site:

Step 1: Set Up a Google Analytics Account

  1. Create a Google Account: If you don’t already have one, create a Google Account.
  2. Sign Up for Google Analytics:
  3. Go to Google Analytics.
  4. Sign in with your Google Account and click on “Start for free.”
  5. Provide an account name, select your data-sharing settings, and click “Next.”

Step 2: Create a Property in Google Analytics

  1. Add a Property:
  2. Enter the necessary information such as property name, time zone, and currency.
  3. Click on “Next” to proceed to the setup of the property.
  4. Set Up Data Streams:
  5. Select the platform (in this case, “Web”).
  6. Enter your website URL and the stream name.
  7. Click on “Create Stream” to get a unique Measurement ID (starts with "G-").

Step 3: Integrate Google Analytics with Squarespace

  1. Log into Squarespace: Access your Squarespace account and go to the home menu.
  2. Navigate to Settings:
  3. Go to Settings > Advanced > External API Keys.
  4. In the “Google Analytics” field, enter your Google Analytics Measurement ID (e.g., G-XXXXXXXXXX).
  5. Save the Settings: Click on "Save" to apply the changes.

Step 4: Verify the Integration

  1. Verify via Google Analytics:
  2. Return to your Google Analytics dashboard.
  3. Go to the “Real-Time” report to see if data from your website is being transmitted.
  4. It can take up to 24 hours for data to appear, but some real-time data should be visible almost immediately.

Considerations and Limitations

  1. Privacy Compliance: Ensure your use of Google Analytics complies with privacy laws such as GDPR. This may involve updating your privacy policy, informing users, or setting up cookie consent banners.
  2. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Universal Analytics: Google Analytics has two main versions: GA4 and Universal Analytics. GA4 is the latest and recommended for new properties. Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new data on July 1, 2023. Make sure you are using GA4 for future compatibility.
  3. Data Retention: Be aware of how long you retain user data. You can configure data retention settings within Google Analytics.
  4. E-Commerce Tracking: If you have an online store, consider setting up e-commerce tracking in Google Analytics to track purchases, revenue, and other metrics.
  5. Custom Events: While basic integration covers page views and traffic sources, you may need to configure custom events and goals to track specific user interactions (form submissions, button clicks, etc.).


Integrating Google Analytics with Squarespace is a straightforward process that offers powerful insights into your website's performance and user behavior. By carefully setting up and configuring the analytics tool, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your website's effectiveness and user experience. Make sure to regularly review the analytics reports and refine your strategies accordingly.