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Can Squarespace Do Multiple Languages?

Yes, Squarespace can support multiple languages, but it's important to note that they do not currently offer a built-in, fully-featured multilingual functionality natively. Instead, there are methods and workarounds that you can utilize to create a multilingual website on Squarespace. Here are various approaches and considerations for implementing multiple languages on your Squarespace site:

1. Manual Translation and Navigation Duplication

One straightforward method is to manually create separate pages for each language variant and build a navigation system that allows users to switch between languages.


  1. Duplicate Pages: Create a new page for each translated version of your existing content.
  2. Navigation: Set up navigation menus linking to each language version of your pages. You can use a dropdown menu or a language switcher in the header/footer.
  3. Language Switcher: Design a simple language switcher so visitors can easily toggle between languages. This can be done through a custom code block or by making creative use of the menu and linking systems.
  4. SEO Considerations: Use proper URL structures, like domain.com/en/page1 and domain.com/es/page1, to signal search engines about language versions. Implement hreflang tags to help search engines understand the different versions of your content.


  • Time-consuming as each page needs to be manually duplicated and maintained separately.
  • Increases workload since updates or changes need to be made on each language version of a page individually.

2. Third-Party Translation Services and Plugins

Various third-party services offer multilingual functionality that can be integrated with Squarespace to provide a more seamless multilingual experience.


  1. Weglot: Weglot is a popular service for translating websites. It automatically detects content on your site and translates it, offering a language switcher for users.
  2. Pros: Easy to set up, automatic translation, customizable language switcher, and supports SEO best practices.
  3. Cons: Requires a subscription, and automatic translations might need manual refinement.

  4. Polylang: While originally designed for WordPress, you can use snippets of custom code to integrate its translation capabilities into Squarespace.

  5. Pros: Allows for manual and automatic translation.
  6. Cons: May require more technical knowledge to integrate smoothly with Squarespace.


  1. Sign Up and Configure: Sign up for your chosen third-party service and follow the setup instructions specific to integrating with Squarespace.
  2. Language Switcher: Implement the language switcher provided by the service, which typically involves pasting generated code snippets into your Squarespace site.
  3. Translation Management: Use the service’s dashboard to manage and edit translations.

3. Embedded Code and Custom Solutions

For those with coding knowledge, custom solutions can provide a tailored multilingual setup.

Using Code Snippets:

  1. Custom Language Switcher: Create a language switcher using custom code (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and embed it in your site’s header or footer.
  2. Google Translate: Embed Google Translate’s widget to provide quick, albeit rough, translations of your site’s content. Note that this isn’t ideal for professional or SEO-friendly translations.


  • Technical Skill Required: Custom solutions often require familiarity with coding and web design.
  • Maintenance: You’ll need to manage and maintain these solutions, including updating code if Squarespace’s platform changes.

Practical Considerations:

  • User Experience: Ensure that the language selection process is intuitive and that the user experience remains seamless across different language versions.
  • Consistency: Maintain branding and design consistency across language versions to ensure a cohesive look and feel.
  • Quality of Translation: Especially with automatic translation services, it’s important to review and manually refine translations to ensure accuracy and appropriateness.


  • No Native Support: The absence of native multilingual support in Squarespace means you rely on external solutions, which might not be as tightly integrated.
  • Budget: Third-party solutions or hiring a developer can involve significant costs.
  • Time and Effort: Both manual and automated setups require time investment, either upfront or ongoing.

In conclusion, while Squarespace does not offer native multilingual support, it is entirely possible to create a multilingual site using manual methods, third-party integrations, or custom coding solutions. Carefully consider your budget, technical skills, and specific needs to choose the approach that best suits your situation.