Can Squarespace Be Multilingual?

Yes, Squarespace can be made multilingual, allowing you to create a website that supports multiple languages. However, it's important to note that Squarespace does not natively support multilingual websites out of the box. This means you will need to implement workarounds or use third-party tools to achieve this functionality. Here are several methods you can use to make your Squarespace site multilingual:

Method 1: Create Multiple Pages for Each Language

This method involves manually creating separate pages for each language and linking them through a language switcher.


  1. Duplicate Pages: Create a duplicate of each page for every language you want to support. For example, if you have a homepage in English, create a separate homepage for Spanish.
  2. Translate Content: Manually translate the content on each duplicated page.
  3. Create Language Switcher: Add a navigation menu or custom buttons that link users to the corresponding pages in other languages.
  4. URL Structure: Maintain a consistent URL structure, such as for English and for Spanish, to organize your multilingual content.


  • This method can be time-consuming as it involves a lot of manual work.
  • Good for small to medium-sized websites with a manageable number of pages.
  • Requires attention to detail to ensure consistency between the languages.

Method 2: Use Squarespace Extensions

Squarespace offers several third-party extensions that can help you create a multilingual site more efficiently.

Recommended Extensions:

  1. Weglot: Weglot is a popular multilingual plugin that translates your website automatically and allows for manual corrections.
  2. Setup: Sign up for Weglot and connect it to your Squarespace site via an API key.
  3. Translation Management: Manage translations through Weglot’s dashboard, where you can refine automatic translations or hire professional translators.

  4. Translate My Store: Specifically designed for Squarespace e-commerce sites. It offers automatic translation for product descriptions, store policies, etc.

  5. Setup: Link the extension to your Squarespace store and follow the setup instructions.
  6. Translation Quality: Provides options for both automatic and manual translations.


  • These extensions often come with subscription fees.
  • Weglot, for example, provides a limited number of words for free, which might not be sufficient for larger websites.
  • Extensions make it easier to manage translations but may require technical setup.

Method 3: Custom Code

If you have coding skills or access to a developer, you can create a more customized multilingual solution using JavaScript and other web technologies.


  1. Custom Language Selector: Create a custom language selector using JavaScript.
  2. Content Storage: Store translations in JSON files or other structured formats.
  3. Dynamic Loading: Use JavaScript to dynamically load the appropriate language content based on user selection.


  • Requires significant technical knowledge.
  • Offers the most flexibility and customization.
  • Maintenance could be complex, especially for larger websites.

Additional Considerations:

  • SEO: Ensure you optimize all language versions of your site for SEO. Use hreflang tags to manage search engine indexing and avoid duplicate content issues.
  • User Experience: Make the language switcher easily accessible and intuitive for users.
  • Consistency: Keep design and layout consistent across different language versions to provide a seamless user experience.


  • Time and Resources: Significant time and resources might be needed, especially if you opt for manual methods.
  • Content Updates: Any updates to content will need to be replicated across all language versions, increasing maintenance work.
  • Automatic Translations: If relying on automatic translations, be aware that the quality might not be perfect and may need manual refinement.

By choosing the method that best fits your resources and needs, you can effectively create and manage a multilingual Squarespace website.


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