Can I Use Squarespace Domain on Shopify?

Yes, you can use a Squarespace domain on Shopify. The process involves transferring your domain registration from Squarespace to Shopify or connecting your Squarespace domain to your Shopify store without transferring. Here are both methods in detail:

1. Connecting Your Squarespace Domain to Shopify

If you prefer to keep your domain registered with Squarespace but want to use it for your Shopify store, you can connect the two. Below are the steps:

Steps to Connect Your Domain:

  1. Log in to Your Squarespace Account:
  2. Go to and log in with your credentials.

  3. Access Domain Settings:

  4. Go to the “Home” menu, then click on “Settings,” followed by “Domains.”
  5. Select the domain you wish to connect to Shopify.

  6. Find DNS Settings:

  7. Click “DNS Settings” for the domain you’re working with.
  8. You may need to click "Advanced settings" to view detailed DNS management options.

  9. Add A Record:

  10. Add a new “A Record” with the following settings:

    • Host: @
    • Points to: (Shopify’s IP address)
  11. Add CNAME Record:

  12. Add a “CNAME” record with the following settings:

    • Host: www
    • Points to:
  13. Save DNS Settings:

  14. Save your changes to apply the new DNS settings.

  15. Configure in Shopify:

  16. Log in to your Shopify store’s admin panel.
  17. Go to “Online Store” > “Domains.”
  18. Click “Connect existing domain.”
  19. Enter the domain name you’re connecting and follow the prompts to verify your setup.

2. Transferring Your Domain from Squarespace to Shopify

Transferring your domain registration means moving the domain from Squarespace’s management to Shopify’s domain registrar. This method may involve a cost but gives you the convenience of managing your domain and store from one place.

Steps to Transfer Your Domain:

  1. Prepare Your Domain for Transfer:
  2. Log in to Squarespace.
  3. Go to “Settings” > “Domains.”
  4. Select the domain you want to transfer.
  5. Unlock the domain (you might need to toggle off a “Lock Domain” option).
  6. Access the “Domain Registration” settings to get your EPP/authorization code. Copy this code as you will need it in Shopify.

  7. Initiate Transfer in Shopify:

  8. Log in to your Shopify store’s admin panel.
  9. Go to “Online Store” > “Domains.”
  10. Click on “Transfer domain.”
  11. Enter your domain name and follow the prompts to initiate the transfer.
  12. Enter the EPP/authorization code when prompted.

  13. Verify and Approve Transfer:

  14. Approve the transfer via any confirmation email that the domain registrar might send.
  15. The transfer process may take up to a few days.

  16. Complete the Transfer:

  17. Once completed, your domain will be managed under Shopify's domain management system.

Practical Considerations and Limitations:

  • Downtime: There could be temporary downtime during DNS propagation, which can take up to 48 hours. Plan your transition during a low-traffic period.
  • Cost: Transferring a domain might incur a fee, especially if it involves additional services such as WHOIS privacy protection.
  • Email Services: If you have email services connected to your Squarespace domain, you will need to migrate those as well, or reconfigure them with your new Shopify settings.
  • Support: Both Squarespace and Shopify have robust customer support services. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you face any issues during the process.


Both connecting a Squarespace domain to Shopify and transferring the domain registration are feasible options. The choice depends on whether you prefer to manage everything through Shopify or maintain some management with Squarespace. Follow the outlined steps carefully, and you should be able to use your Squarespace domain with your Shopify store smoothly.


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