Can I Use HTML in Squarespace?

Yes, you can use HTML in Squarespace to enhance or customize the design and functionality of your website beyond the platform's built-in capabilities. Here's a detailed guide on how you can incorporate HTML into your Squarespace site, along with important considerations and potential limitations.

Where You Can Use HTML in Squarespace

1. Code Blocks

The most direct way to add HTML (and other types of code like CSS and JavaScript) is through Code Blocks. This option is available for most Squarespace templates and allows you to embed custom code directly into your content areas.

  • How to Add a Code Block:
  • In the Squarespace editor, navigate to the page you want to edit.
  • Add a new block and select the "Code" option.
  • Enter your HTML code into the block and click "Apply" to save it.

Considerations: - While Code Blocks are very versatile, they are typically better suited for small snippets of code. - Depending on your plan, using Code Blocks may require you to have a Business or higher subscription.

2. Custom CSS/HTML in Site Header or Footer

Adding code to the Header or Footer is useful for site-wide changes, such as embedding third-party widgets or custom tracking scripts.

  • How to Add Code to the Header or Footer:
  • Go to the Home Menu and click on “Settings.”
  • Navigate to “Advanced” and select “Code Injection.”
  • You can add your HTML within the Header or Footer sections as required.

Considerations: - Be cautious with scripts that can slow down your site or conflict with existing code. - Testing changes in a controlled environment (like a staging site) is advisable.

3. Embedding HTML in a Markdown Block

Markdown Blocks support basic HTML tags. This approach is simpler and typically used for straightforward formatting tasks.

  • How to Add a Markdown Block:
  • Add a new block and select the “Markdown” option.
  • Enter your HTML code directly within the Markdown editor.

Considerations: - This method is limited to simpler HTML structures and is best for basic tasks like adding a link or formatting text.

4. Using the Embed Block

The Embed Block is designed for embedding third-party content like videos, forms, and social media posts using an embed code.

  • How to Use the Embed Block:
  • Add a new block and select the “Embed” option.
  • Paste your HTML code into the Embed Block and click "Set."

Considerations: - Often used for iframes and other embedded media.

Practical Steps for Adding HTML

Here is a practical example of adding a simple HTML form using a Code Block:

  1. Navigate to the page where you want to embed the HTML form.
  2. Select "Add Block" and choose "Code."
  3. Enter the following HTML code:



  1. Click "Apply" and then save your changes.

Important Considerations and Limitations

  • Browser Compatibility: Custom HTML code might behave differently across various browsers. Always test your changes broadly.
  • Template Restrictions: Some Squarespace templates may have limitations or predefined styling that could affect how your custom HTML displays.
  • Security Practices: Be cautious about inserting third-party scripts or forms. Ensure they come from trusted sources to avoid security risks.
  • Support Limitations: Squarespace support may have limitations in troubleshooting problems directly related to custom code.

By carefully incorporating HTML into these areas, you can significantly extend the functionality and appearance of your Squarespace site, making it more tailored to your specific needs and preferences.


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Can I Use HTML on Squarespace?