Can I Use Google Domains With Squarespace?

Yes, you can use Google Domains with Squarespace. Connecting a Google Domains-registered domain to your Squarespace website involves a few steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Prepare Your Domain in Google Domains

  1. Log in to Google Domains:
  2. Go to Google Domains.
  3. Log in with the Google account that owns the domain you want to connect.

  4. Manage the Domain:

  5. On the Google Domains homepage, click on the name of the domain you wish to connect.
  6. This will take you to the domain management page.

Step 2: Get Your Squarespace Information

  1. Log in to Squarespace:
  2. Access your Squarespace account on

  3. Open the Squarespace Settings:

  4. Navigate to the website you want to connect your domain to.
  5. Go to Settings > Domains.

  6. Connect a New Domain:

  7. Click on Use a Domain I Own.
  8. Enter your Google Domain and click Continue.

  9. Get the DNS Settings:

  10. Choose the option to connect the domain manually.
  11. Squarespace will then provide you with the necessary DNS settings, usually these include some A records, a CNAME record, and sometimes MX and TXT records.

Step 3: Update DNS Settings in Google Domains

  1. Access the DNS Settings:
  2. In Google Domains, go to the DNS section of your domain management page.

  3. Add Custom Resource Records:

  4. Locate the Custom resource records section.
  5. You will need to add the A, CNAME, and possibly MX and TXT records provided by Squarespace. This will typically look like:

    • Add multiple A records pointing to Squarespace IP addresses (e.g.,
    • Add a CNAME record for "www" pointing to your Squarespace site.
    • If provided, add MX and TXT records for email verification.
  6. Input the Records:

  7. Enter each record type (A, CNAME, etc.), name (typically www or blank for the root domain), TTL (Time to Live, generally can leave at default), and the data provided by Squarespace.
  8. Make sure all the details match what Squarespace provides exactly.

Step 4: Confirm on Squarespace

  1. Verify Domain Connection:
  2. Return to the Squarespace settings and click Refresh or Verify. It may take some time for DNS changes to propagate, sometimes up to 48 hours, though typically less.

  3. Finalize the Connection:

  4. Once Squarespace verifies the connection, your domain should be successfully pointed to your Squarespace site.


  • Time for DNS Propagation: Changes to DNS records might take some time to propagate fully. Expect up to 48 hours for the changes to reflect globally.
  • Renewals and Management: Even though your domain is connected to Squarespace, you will continue to manage renewals and ownership through Google Domains.
  • SSL Certificates: Squarespace will automatically configure SSL certificates for your domain once the connection process is complete.
  • Email Accounts: If you have email accounts through Google Workspace tied to your domain, ensure that you do not disrupt the MX records essential for email delivery.


  • Custom DNS Needs: If you require highly customized DNS settings beyond what Squarespace provides, you might encounter limitations.
  • Support: If encountering issues, you may need to coordinate between Google Domains and Squarespace support, as the issue could span both services.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly use a Google Domains-registered domain with a Squarespace website, leveraging the benefits of both platforms.


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